
4 Signs You Have a Plumbing Leak Issue (And What to Do About It)

It typically costs between $1,240 and $5,342 to restore water damage.

A plumbing leak can cause various problems in the home, and they can sometimes be quite severe. Depending on where a leak is, you might not discover it for a long time. There are several signs that you can look out for which indicate a leak in your plumbing system.

For 4 signs of plumbing problems in the home, keep reading.

1. Mold or Mildew

This is one of the most common issues, as dark, moist areas are perfect for mold and mildew. If there is a leak in a pipe that isn’t in the open (such as under the floor or in a wall) it can go unnoticed for a long time. After a while, mold will likely start to grow there.

If you notice mold or mildew in an area that doesn’t often get wet, there’s a good chance it’s due to a leak. You want to deal with this straight away as it can pose a health risk to you and your family.

2. Damaged Paint or Wallpaper

If you have a leaky pipe behind a wall, it could start to seep through. It will then damage the paint or wallpaper in that area. 

You should get a professional company like Accurate Plumbing to take a look and carry out any repairs. You can find out more about such services at Pickaccurate.com.

With wallpaper, this will often be in the form of blistering. If you have painted walls, small pieces of the paint might start to peel off. This is something that you want to have dealt with quickly, as it will only get worse with time, leading to more expensive repairs.

3. Damaged Flooring

Water damage can affect any area of your home, be it walls, ceilings, or floors. Some things you might notice are crackling, buckling, or staining. This type of damage can be a bit trickier to deal with, as the leak could come from under the flooring, or it could be in another area and the water may have traveled there.

You’re likely to notice this when walking as the floor might start to feel soft. In bad cases, tiles may become damaged to the point where you can pick them up. As with any other issue, you should call in a professional plumber to look for any water leaks as soon as possible.

4. Rocking Toilet

Similar to floor tiles, water damage can cause a toilet to come loose. There’s a wax ring between the base of the toilet and the pipe below it, and if this becomes worn down, it can result in a leak. You might notice some wastewater on the floor, but sometimes it won’t be visible, so it will need to be checked by a professional.

Dealing With a Plumbing Leak

If you have a plumbing leak, it’s crucial that you deal with it as soon as possible. The longer you leave it, the more damage it will cause, resulting in a larger repair job. You should always have repairs done by a professional so that you can be confident everything has been done properly.

For more home improvement articles, check out the rest of our website.

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