Bridal Makeup Mistakes

5 Common Bridal Makeup Mistakes You Need To Stay Away From

Bridal Makeup Mistakes

“A day of beauty is a joy forever.”

Wedding is a big day for everyone. And to look extremely beautiful on this special day is what every bride craves. You might have thought about your wedding at an early stage. Some of us dream of being a bride at a destination wedding, some plan for a team ceremony while others want to just be a bride with a groom at the registrar’s office, they wish for a simple wedding.

As a bride to be all our tastes and preferences differ. But the one thing all have in common the kind of wedding you desire is you will be a bride at whatever style of wedding you choose. No matter what is the venue, rituals of the wedding but you will be dressed are bright on your detail and regardless of any other effect, every bride wants to look the best of herself on her wedding day.

Best Bridal Attire

As a bright-to-be you prepare so much from bridal lehenga to jewelry, accessories, makeup up, hair and whatnot. You do every possible thing to bring the best out of Indian bridal attire. You focus on every major thing that enhances your bridal attire and beauty even more. But while taking care of the majors we sometimes under look the minor ones and this is why the outcome is not as you desire. One such thing is your bridal makeup.

As bride-to-be girls take care of all things but sometimes forget a few silly things or make minor makeup mistakes that turn out their beautiful bridal attire into an ordinary one. Therefore you must understand these minor makeup mistakes and take care of them to avoid the happening of any Chows and have a flawless beautiful bridal look. So here are some of the common bridal makeup mistakes you need to stay away from to look extremely beautiful and showcase the best of you on your wedding day.

1. Omit Skin Prepping

Omit Skin Prepping

For a perfect outcome, it is essential to have a flawless beginning. As a wrong start leads to a dark end similarly inaccurate skin prep leads to an imperfect bridal look. During the near days leading to your wedding, it is quite essential to follow your regular skincare treatment. Generally, brides start taking extra care of their skin during the day leading to their wedding and start applying a new and variety of products to get glow and fairness on the face for their didi.

But in a head stop doing so they usually skipped their regular skincare that they were doing since a long time coma which their skin is habitual off. is a common bridal makeup mistake you need to stay away from. It is advised to go against any experimentation with skincare products neither to ko for beauty hacks nor try any new home remedies.

You should strictly be prohibited from changing your skincare routine as it can cause your skin to breakout immediately before your special day. To avoid any  Glitch of the moment just go with your regular skincare routine, prepare your skin well, wash your face with mild and moisture rice your body properly especially of face and lips before applying any makeup. This is one of the most common bridal makeup mistakes that you need to stay away from for your D-Day.

2. Skip Makeup Trials

Skip Makeup Trials

As a bride to be you pick a bridal lengha for your D-day taking into consideration so many factors. But do you wear it directly on your wedding day of course not you take so many trials, get all the alterations done and keep it perfectly ready beforehand? Then why not apply the same rule for your bridal makeup as well which is also an essential part of your perfect bridal look. This is another common bridal makeup mistake you need to stay away from. Nowadays brides-to-be put a lot of effort into making their wedding day special.

They leave no stone unturned to look astonishing on their D-day. But in a hash of major preparations, they sometimes underlook the minor ones. They choose their jewelry and makeup so thoughtfully but at the end skip taking makeup trials which at the end gives an unpleasant look on the D-day. This is a very common mistake you should avoid doing. You should take your makeup trials in advance to avoid getting any mishaps or unpleasant surprises on your wedding day.

3. Overdo Eye Makeup

Overdo Eye Makeup

Eye making is an important part of bridal makeup. It can either make or break your entire bridal look. Eye dressing may look simple but it is one of the major makeup areas to be taken care of. But brides sometimes neglect taking care of their eye makeup, some overdo it while others do not pay any attention to it.

This is one of the common bridal makeup mistakes you need to stay away from. Get your eyebrows shaped and waxed properly at least a week before your wedding day try the eyeshadows and pick the best suitable one. Just remember the golden rule: your eyes shape your face so get done the best ways possible.

4. Neglect Body Makeup

Neglect Body Makeup

Bright generally emphasizes a lot on their bridal face makeup and looks on the other body parts. This is also a very common bridal makeup mistake that you need to stay away from. Neglecting body makeup can cost you your bridal look. Do you remember those bridal photos whose faces look wholly different from their body texture and skin color shortly you don’t want to be one of those? Therefore it is advised to take equal care of your entire body while getting your bridal makeup. This will not only give you an even tone but also compliment your bridal look even more.

5. Not Wearing Waterproof Makeup

Not Wearing Waterproof Makeup

Brides generally avoid wearing waterproof makeup on their wedding not considering it’s a need. This is a bridal makeup mistake you need to stay away from. As no matter how much we deny the fact but most of the brides’ shade at least a few drops of tear on their wedding day and rubbing can wipe away all your beautifully done bridal makeup.

Also the heavy costume and jewelry with so many bright lighting and spotlights it is obvious to feel a lot hot on your wedding day than you normally do which can cause sweating and make your makeup untidy. So if you don’t want to frantically wipe off runny mascara or even up a blotchy foundation or concealer so that the pictures don’t look, ahem, strange it is very essential to wear waterproof bridal makeup on your wedding day.

So these are some of the common bridal makeup mistakes that you need to stay away from while getting your bridal makeup done. These mistakes might seem to be minor but they can make or break your entire bridal look. So to avoid any kind of chaos and get extremely pretty please send a look in your bridal attire take care of these common bridal makeup mistakes, I am not too to commit any such mistake and look flawless and extremely gorgeous in your beautiful bridal attire.

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