
5 Helpful Parenting Tips for Toddlers

There is a reason the term “terrible two” is so often used to describe a new toddler. This is the period of transition from infant to little human so your child’s mood changes from wanting freedom to needing comfort in an instance. 

So, how can you help your toddler while keeping your sanity?

Read on to find 5 parenting tips for toddlers that addresses both their needs. 

1. Give Them Options

Toddlers do not like to be told what to do because of their new mobility and mental growth; they want to explore without boundaries. The best way to get them to do what you want without them refusing is to offer them choices. 

For example, when getting them dressed have toddler clothes laid out and ask them which one they want to wear. Also, visit this page to give them fun accessories like toddler hats. Picking out their clothes with the options you give them helps them make decisions while following instructions.

2. Offer Praise for Good Behavior

Do not be in the habit of pointing out bad behavior. Focusing on the good is a way to positively reinforce this type of behavior instead of what they did wrong. 

Use specific praises rather than general statements to let your toddler know exactly what pleased you. 

3. Use Clear Transitional Instructions

If you want to know how to be a better parent then start with how you talk to your toddler. Yelling at them or just telling them to do something will not work. Instead, tell them the plan so they understand a sequence of events. 

For example, let them know that after they brush their teeth, they will read their favorite book, and then it is time to sleep. 

4. Do Not Give In to Tantrums

Some of the best parenting advice is also the hardest to follow. Not giving in to your toddler’s tantrums is one of them. This is because you just want the screaming and crying to end.

However, if you give them what they want while expressing this type of behavior then they will expect it all the time. Toddlers are testing you to see what they can do to get their way. So, waiting until the tantrum is over shows them that it did not work and will not work in the future. 

5. Allow Them to Try for Themselves

Taking care of a toddler is like caring for a tiny person. So, if you do everything for them they will not learn how to do it themselves. This creates prolonged dependence and an increased inability to self-learn.

Let toddlers practice doing things like getting dressed and feeding themselves as soon as they desire. You can also ask them if they want to try to do it themselves. 

Parenting Tips for Toddlers Takes Time

Using these parenting tips for toddlers takes a lot of practice and patience for both you and your child. However, when persistence, they will pay off as your toddler learns how to communicate better while leaving you less frustrated. 

As your toddler gets ready for school-age visit our Education section for some preparation tips. 

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