
5 Signs You Have a Rat Problem

You might not know it, but you might have rats in your home. Even if you don’t see them, they may be living in your home. 

This is an issue that 14 million homes across the country face. It’s a public health issue as rodents can spread certain diseases. 

How can you tell if you have a rat infestation at home? There are signs you should be looking out for. Read on to learn five of the signs that show you might have a rat problem. 

1. Rodent Droppings

One way to tell if you have a rat infestation is if rodent droppings are present. Mice and rats will defecate where they please. More than likely, you’ll find feces in your kitchen so look in cabinets and under appliances. 

Their feces are the size of a piece of rice. These critters may also leave behind a trail of droppings. Don’t mistake their droppings for dirt. 

2. Gnaw Marks

Rodents can make their presence known by leaving gnaw marks. These are chew marks you may find on different materials. These include cardboard, wood, and food packaging. 

Rodents can also leave gnaw marks on electrical wiring. This is a cause for concern as it poses a safety hazard. If you find gnaw marks, it’s a sign that these rodents are out and about in your home. 

3. Nesting Evidence

If you have a rat infestation, they might be breeding in your home. The bad news is that rats and mice are prolific so they can breed fast. They can breed at 40-45 days of age so, within a matter of months, you can have a bigger problem. 

They’ll find the perfect place to make a nest. One of their favorite places to breed is the kitchen. Look for nests under the refrigerator and oven as these appliances radiate heat. 

These vermin like to use paper which they shred to make nests. They also like to use insulation and other pliable materials. 

4. Odd Noises

Rodents are nocturnal so if they’re in your home, you may hear odd noises at night. Active rodents make scratching sounds. This happens when they scurry inside walls. 

You may even hear squeaking. Next time you hear these odd noises check them out as they might not be part of your imagination. 

5. Pet Behavior 

Do your pets tend to act out? There’s a reason why your dog might be behaving the way it is. When dogs hear or smell rodents, they’ll often bark. 

Some pets will even paw at spaces where rodents are hiding. If you see any of these signs, it’s time to seek pest control services

It’s Time to Address Your Rat Problem

If you have a rat problem, you need to act fast to get rid of them. The same goes if you have a mice problem. 

These are five of the signs that tell you there’s a mice infestation in your home. Hiring a pest control company is the best way to address this problem. 

Make sure to explore the rest of our blog to continue reading more great articles. 

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