7 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids
Turn over a pack of those “healthy” fruit snacks the next time you’re ready to open them up and hand them to your child. A glance at the nutrition facts reveals that that quick treat contains a whopping 10 grams of sugar per packet! Most pediatricians suggest that children shouldn’t consume more than 25 grams daily.
If you’ve been relying on processed foods, it’s time to brush up on your healthy snack ideas for kids! Plenty of snacks contain the vitamins and nutrients growing bodies need without excessive sugar. Other snacks contain healthier natural sugars that help kids develop.
You don’t need to be a nutritionist to buy healthy snacks and teach your child about making wise dietary choices. If you’re overwhelmed, the list below will help. We’ve compiled seven simple healthy snack ideas to get you started.
Read on to start chowing down on our favorite healthy snacks for kids!
1. Rainbow Kebobs
Did you know that the color of a fruit or vegetable can provide clues to the vitamins and nutrients it contains? When you encourage children to “eat the rainbow,” you’re ensuring that your little one gets all the healthy nutrition they need to develop normally. Make some rainbow fruit kebobs by spearing colorful fruit onto skewers in ROY G. BIV order for a healthy and educational treat!
2. DIY Tortilla Chips
Skip the deep-fried, salty tortilla chips and make your own by cutting store-bought or homemade flour tortillas into eighths. Spray lightly with cooking spray and add sea salt or seasoning as desired. Bake at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for seven minutes for a crispy, trans-fat-free snack!
3. Air Popped Popcorn
Popcorn is a light and filling snack, but store-bought popcorn includes chemicals, preservatives, and too much salt. Kids love helping make air-popped popcorn at home! Best of all, popcorn kernels are cheap, meaning this swap will save you money over time!
Are you interested in other ideas for healthy snacks on the go? Click here to learn more about healthy vending machines.
4. Savory Ants on a Log
Sick to death of sugary ants on a log? Stuff your celery sticks with hummus and top it with a few pieces of black olive instead! This treat contains protein from the chickpeas and fiber from the celery, so it should keep kids full.
5. Apples and Yogurt Dip
Apples are a sweet source of natural sugar! Kids can dip them in a little greek yogurt “frosting!” Add a touch of cinnamon to the apples to keep them from going brown.
6. Cheddar Cheese Cubes
Cheese provides calcium, protein, and vitamins, making it a good “sometimes snack” for healthy children. You can make it even healthier by serving a combination of cheese cubes and cantaloupe. It’s a great sweet and savory combo!
7. Freeze-Dried Fruit
Freeze-dried fruit is a surprisingly crispy snack with all the sweetness kids love. You can invest in a freeze-drier or buy packets at any supermarket. Make sure it’s freeze-dried, not dried, as dried fruit is full of sugar.
Try These Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids
Children are little sponges who absorb everything they see around them. As their number one role model, it’s your job to model healthy eating by enjoying nutritious snacks regularly. When you make these healthy snack ideas for kids, try to chat about what makes them healthy and why!
Knowledge is the key to mindfully raising a happy, healthy family. Check out the rest of the blog for more posts about parenting with positivity. There are plenty of recipes and life hacks like these!