
How to Help a Child Falling Behind in School

Are your children falling behind in school?

Whether it’s with reports coming home from school that says, “your child struggles with a topic” or just noticing that your child is not learning like their peers, we have all had the experience of this in some capacity.

There is nothing more worrying as a parent than seeing your child fall behind in school. You want the best for your children and it’s up to you to guide them.

But how do you help your child who is struggling with school? Below are steps that you can take to support your child.

Read on!

Develop a Clear Understanding of the Current Struggle

This means finding out what areas the child is struggling in. Get a better grasp of any specific challenges they are having difficulty with.

Parents should talk to the child and their teachers, to get a sense of what is happening and to see what they can do to help. Meeting with the teachers and documenting the issues is vital in providing targeted and effective support.

Establish a Learning Plan and Strategies to Cope With Challenges

This should include creating achievable goals for the child to focus on, as well as targeted strategies for every subject. Timetables and outlines of tasks can help to ensure the child is prioritizing their studies.

Also, exploring their passions and interests outside of academics can help the child stay engaged. Taking a holistic approach to learning and combining goal setting, and support can help a child get back on the right track.

Utilize Different Resources to Optimize Learning

Parents should look into local tutoring and after-school programs, both in person and online. Tutoring and specialized classes can be utilized to focus on specific areas of difficulty. For example, for math skills difficulty, you can check out this program by S4 Study Skills, which offers customized math tutoring programs.

You can also try out extended learning opportunities outside of the classroom, such as educational field trips, visiting local libraries, or even homeschooling options.

Ensure Adequate Support at School and Home

At school, teachers should be available to provide extra tutor sessions. They can also assign the student extra academic assignments or activities. Parents should also provide hands-on help with difficult material. They should motivate their child if he/she is finding it difficult to succeed.

It is also important to communicate with teachers to learn how a student is doing in class. Make sure the student understands that they can still be successful despite their struggles. This will go a long way toward maintaining strong self-esteem and providing the best chance to succeed in the classroom.

Provide Encouragement and Reinforcement for Progress Made

Start by expressing positivity and focusing on what the child can do rather than what they are unable to do. Praise them even for the modest progress that is made and acknowledge their efforts. This could include giving a star or sticker when a task is completed, or allowing additional screen time if the goals are achieved.

By giving positive reinforcement and encouragement, children may be more motivated to continue learning and making progress in school.

Use These Tips To Help a Child Falling Behind in School

If you recognize that your child may be falling behind in school, take immediate action to address them. Working with the teacher, providing additional support at home, or enrolling them in an after-school tutoring program can all help your child catch up.

Help your children get back on track and make up for lost ground.

For other tips, check out our other blog posts.

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