8 Most Common Essay Writing Mistakes Students Make

It becomes very difficult for students to understand how to write good essays. Most of the time they are unable to understand why they have not been able to write a good essay. This is the reason why students these days turn to essay writing services without trying them on their own.
A lot of times, it happens that students are unable to understand where it is their fault and hence simply blame the teacher for not giving them good grades. What they are unable to interpret is that there are some basic things that need to be taken into account before they submit their essay.
In this article, we will discuss some commonly made mistakes by the students while writing their essay, what necessary steps you need to take in order to enhance your essay writing skills, and how you can avoid doing those mistakes in the future.
1. Spelling errors
Most of the time, students are unsure of what spelling they need to use. There are times when they get confused between ‘their’ and ‘there’, ‘lose’ and ‘loose’ etc. they do not know which word is more appropriate and which one to use. Also, they get confused with the spellings and mess up their essay. Reading a dictionary can help them in coming out of this problem.
2. Improper Punctuation
Lack of practice of usage of a comma, full stop, apostrophe, hyphen, colon, or semicolon makes the essay of the students a disaster and they are unable to write a good essay. Punctuation plays a very important role in expressing your ideas and therefore, it is very important for you to use correct punctuation at required times.
3. Complex Sentence Structure
Students should use simple sentences instead of complex sentences. The use of complex sentences does not make your essay an impressive one and thus does not help in getting your essay acknowledged.
4. The uneven Transition of Paragraphs
It is of utmost importance that the transition between the paragraphs while you write an essay is smooth. Giving one argument in the above paragraph and giving another argument in another which are not even related to each other make your essay look sloppy. When you switch from one paragraph to another, make a smooth transition.
5. Lack of Good Vocabulary Words
Students these days find it hard to read. The habit of reading instills good vocabulary words into your mind. This is one of the major problems faced by the students these days. Due to the lack of habit of reading, they do not use words that would otherwise help their essay stand out from others.
6. Repetition of Arguments
Circling around the same argument again and again and using the same point over and over to validate your point is of no use. Use facts and data to make your argument supportive. The best way to avoid this situation is to plan your essay in such a way that you do not go back to the same points, again and again, to write them down in your essay.
7. No Mapping
Before starting an essay, if the student writes an outline of his essay, it becomes easier for him to follow those bullet points and write a complete essay based on that. Writing the bullet points first helps you avoid the repetition of facts and data. Write a rough idea for your paragraphs like what to include in the introduction, the main body of the essay, and most importantly how will you conclude the essay. If these things are clear right from the very beginning, you will be able to write a very impressive essay, be it for your assignment or enhancement of writing skills.
8. Unsatisfactory Ending
Most of the time, students are not able to understand how to end the essay. Make good use of famous quotes. The ending should be convincing enough. So that, your readers are able to relate to the points that you have mentioned above. It helps them understand the idea that why you chose that topic for writing the essay. The conclusion should include a brief summary of the facts stated before.
‘Practice makes a man perfect’. There is nothing that you cannot achieve as long as you have the deep desire and determination to do it. You can keep practicing writing essays. After that you can seek help from your teacher who will help you to work on your mistakes.
Good Luck!