A Parent’s Guide to Playroom Design
Did you know that playing is one of the most important things for a child to do?
It increases their creativity, helps them learn, teaches independence, and more!
How can you encourage your child to embrace play? By giving them the perfect environment to do so! Creating a fun and unique play space for your children is the best way to foster a happy and healthy child.
Continue reading to learn a few playroom design tips to consider as you prepare the space.
Offer Climbing Play Options
While most children’s toys are designed to help them learn and grow, this is especially true of kid’s climbing toys.
Climbing toys offer a safe way for children to learn about their environment and better understand how their body works. They also improve balance and motor skills over time, which will help them in other areas of life that might not involve play.
They’re an excellent option for your toy room, and these types of toys can keep your children safely occupied for hours! You can shop around for some climbing gym options here.
Create a Sitting Area
Creating a sitting area or two is one of the best playroom ideas that often gets left behind.
One area can be specifically for children. They’ll be able to draw, do homework, and partake in other activities that lend themselves well to sitting.
Another area can be set up for adults. While the playroom is for children, you’ll often find yourself supervising or hosting playdates where you might want to keep an eye on them. Again, having an area to sit and relax while still seeing all the action is helpful.
Embrace Colorful Decor
When considering playroom decor, don’t be afraid to go all out! Even if the rest of your house is mainly neutrals, the playroom is the one area you can get away with some color.
Try painting a mural on one of the walls that fits a theme your kids enjoy. For example, you might consider a jungle-themed one. If art isn’t your strong suit, you can look for some wallpaper to hang instead.
If you’d rather go with a more minimal look, try hanging some bright wall art or creating a chalkboard wall to add one more activity for the kids to enjoy.
The most important thing is decorating the space so your children will feel comfortable and happy while playing and growing. The design can continually be updated as your kids grow!
Playroom Design Features to Keep In Mind
Each playroom is different because the kids playing in it are different. The features you add as you consider your playroom design are entirely up to you.
But adding a sitting area for comfort, a climbing gym for balance and motor skills, and focusing on fun decorations can genuinely make the space feel like an oasis for your children.
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