jiu jitsu

9 Advantages of Practicing Jiu Jitsu

Almost 3 million people practice Jiu-Jitsu globally, which shows how popular this martial art is.

Many try Jiu-Jitsu as it’s a fantastic way to stay fit, embark on a challenge, and meet like-minded people. But there are lesser-known benefits you may have overlooked. Perhaps you’ve toyed with the idea of practicing Jiu-Jitsu, but you’re not sure whether it’s worth it.

Sounds like you? Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. Here are 9 benefits of practicing Jiu-Jitsu.

1. Great Exercise

A major reason why you should start practicing Jiu-Jitsu is that it’s great exercise. Each session combines strength and cardio, which is key for maintaining a healthy weight and good physical health. If you’re interested, find a great academy like Kioto to get started.

2. Boost Confidence

Jiu-Jitsu is one of the top indoor sports as it builds confidence. This is from learning how to defend yourself and stay cool under pressure. Plus, whenever you win or see progress then you’ll get a sense of achievement.

3. Stress Reliever

Martial arts are renowned for being great stress relievers. Once you step on the mat, you leave your worries behind and focus on beating your opponent. During training, your body releases endorphins and oxytocin, which reduces stress levels.

4. Join a Great Community

Research martial arts gyms to practice with like-minded people. You’ll build relationships with your training partners and encourage each other to progress. Unlike other sports, Jiu-Jitsu practitioners support one another as humility and community are key.

5. Teaches Patience

Another reason you should try this new hobby is it teaches patience. In Jiu-Jitsu, you must wait to strike your opponent or escape. Also, being patient is essential to reducing the risk of injury or accidentally harming your training partner.

6. Builds Humility

Jiu-Jitsu also builds humility. Experiencing failure is expected when sparring so it’s important to go in with a positive, humble attitude. If not, it’s difficult to progress.

7. Improves Flexibility

When practicing Jiu-Jitsu, you’ll quickly become more flexible. This is because you bend your body to different angles and contortions. As a result, you’ll push your body’s limits and see an improvement in flexibility.

8. Encourages Critical Thinking

Aside from being physical, Jiu-Jitsu is also a mental game. You must figure out which techniques to use or how to get out of your opponent’s grasp. Eventually, you’ll become a better problem solver.

9. Builds Your Endurance

During each session, you’re constantly pulling and tugging on one another. You’re also put in difficult positions or strangleholds that require strength and endurance. As a result, you’ll notice your grips have strengthened and you can last longer.

Practice Jiu-Jitsu Today

Hopefully, after reading this article, you’ll add Jiu-Jitsu to your daily exercise routine.

There are many perks of Jiu-Jitsu such as improving flexibility, encouraging critical thinking, and building endurance. It also is a great form of exercise and boosts your confidence. What’s not to love?

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