
Are Solar Panels Safe?

Did you know that solar energy for renewable electricity is growing faster than ever before? Solar jobs in the US have increased by 167% in the last decade. However, some people are under the misconception that solar power can be dangerous. 

Perhaps you’ve heard that solar panels can cause fires or that you’re in increased danger of getting cancer from solar power. So, are solar panels safe? We’re here to debunk the myths and let you know everything you need to know about using solar panels. 

Can Solar Panels Catch Fire?

One of the most popular misconceptions about solar panels is that they are a fire hazard. All electrical items come with a fire hazard warning but it is very rare for solar panels to cause a fire. Whether it’s a solar panel or a bedside lamp, all electrical items should be properly wired and installed. 

Your solar panels should always be installed by a trained specialist who is a certified electrician. The installation will also be inspected to ensure it meets local requirements. Many people think of heat when they think of the sun but the process of absorbing photons from the sun and releasing electrons has nothing to do with heat.

Can You Get Cancer From Solar Panels?

The sun emits solar radiation that is absorbed by solar panels and converted to electricity. When people think about radiation, it’s easy to make a link to cancer. However, there is no research to suggest that solar panels can cause cancer.

It has been suggested that the use of solar panels could reduce the risk of getting lung cancer. Using solar energy offsets the use of other electricity sources which pollute the environment and can contribute to the risk of lung cancer. 

How to Guarantee Safety 

There are a few ways you can guarantee solar panel safety. The first is ensuring you get a licensed installer like Solar Brave to put the panels on your property. Never take the risk of installing the panels yourself, even if you’re confident in the process.

Similarly, you must never attempt to repair a panel by yourself. Some companies will offer an insurance scheme to cover maintenance of your panels and regular inspections. 

It’s also wise to have your property inspected before the installation of your panels. For instance, if you intend on placing the panels on your roof, you should have someone inspect the structure of your roof before going ahead. Clear away any debris that could get in the way of the installation process.

Are Solar Panels Safe? Yes!

When considering the question, ‘Are solar panels safe?’, you don’t need to worry about anything. When you take all proper precautions, your solar panels will be completely safe and reliable. In addition, they can cut the costs of your energy bills and make your property more appealing to future buyers.

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