Mobile App User Experience

Using Artificial Intelligence To Design Better Mobile App User Experience

Mobile App User Experience

Your way of doing daily chores, business marketing, social interaction, shopping, etc. can be done with a few taps on AI-centric apps. Artificial Intelligence is gradually changing everything! 

Likewise, the mobile app user experience has changed exponentially over the past few years. Earlier, there were only simple apps that did very simple things.  Now, with the revolution of technology and smartphones, the usage of apps has transformed completely. This digital transformation was possible due to artificial intelligence (AI).

What is AI?

AI plays a very important role in the digital world. It is a new computer technology that enables machines to anticipate, act, and answer to commands like humans. This technology acts more like a human being as it works on the principles of human reasoning and collects a lot of data. To put it simply, AI analyzes past user experiences and then applies the experience-driven knowledge to change their response to better suit users.

Facts About AI:

  • AI is upgrading your lifestyle and making your home better with AI-powered products such as Alexa, Siri, Smart TV, and many more.
  • AI uses different technologies like machine learning, automation, machine vision, chatbots, and voice recognition to parse data, learn from it, and then implement it.
  • As per recent research, AI will contribute around $15.7 trillion to the world economy by 2030.
  • AI suggests the right products to you while shopping online.  

How Can AI Improve Mobile App User Experience?

AI enhances a mobile app user experience through several ways. These include:  

1. User Engagement: 

Most mobile apps often fail to deliver due to their inefficient user engagement. This is where AI works wonders. This new technology analyzes user behavior and tells mobile apps how users are using their apps and what they are looking for. Mobile app developers can use this information to create better user engagement.

Artificial intelligence is built around ensuring a more user-centric experience, and to this end, is continuously learning by tracking user activity and changing app characteristics accordingly. Chatbots and design improvements are only some of the most common examples of ways in which artificial intelligence can transform the user experience in mobile applications.

2. Better Decisions:

The defining feature of AI is that it helps analyze a large volume of data quickly.  Generally, there is a large amount of data about  customer feedback on the app.  AI can  read  this feedback and analyze them according to human logic.  Thus, it can give  better conclusions to the developers. Developers can then use this information to make an informed decision.

Artificial intelligence is continuously learning by tracking the response of users on your mobile app. Depending on the aims that have been decided for the artificial intelligence algorithm, it can change the behaviour of your mobile app to meet these goals effectively, and also generate data to help guide you in your future decisions.

3. App Personalization: 

Mobiles are already much-loved devices.  However, most apps offer a similar user experience as there is a lack of personalization on an individual level. Recently, some renowned apps improved their UX by personalizing their features as per users’ interactions. How did they do this? They did this with AI. AI reads users’ experiences and then suggests needed changes according to an individual’s usage for a better experience.

Artificial intelligence can also be used to measure and record the activity of individual users when they log into your app. Once they have done so, the algorithms continue to learn more about their habits and preferences. based on the preferences that have been logged by the AI algorithm, each user can be provided with his or her personalized experience on the same app.

4.Context-driven UX:

A smartphone can sense your location but it can’t change the UX to a great extent. However, an AI-powered algorithm not only uses the users’ location but also come ups with user-centric messages and suggestions. For instance, if you are travelling, an AI-based app can notify you that there is no fuel station nearby.

This is a rather new application of artificial intelligence in mobile apps. The artificial intelligence algorithm is now very capable of tracking the context in which an app is being browsed. based on the factors that decide this contect, such as the ones listed above, another layer of personalisation can be added to the app by the algorithm.

5.Better Connection:

AI enables mobile apps to connect with their users on a much more profound level. So, how does AI achieve this goal?  As the users begin to operate the apps, AI starts storing  significant details about their app-based behavior, allowing  them to exert more control over how they want to use the app.

Most industry leaders like Apple (Siri) and Amazon (Alexa) are already leveraging this benefit. More companies are likely to adopt AI in the near future.  Artificial intelligence helps devices with different types of software and platforms install stay connected, and even if the same user has different devices, allows seamless transfer of personalised information if permitted by the user.

Benefits for App Developers 

 AI helps developers improve user experience. The design community has begun integrating AI and UX  to design avant-garde mobile apps in various ways such as:

  • Having time-consuming manual work (data collection, image resizing) automated
  • Bring system consistency among products, services, and users
  • Making designs localized with the help of AI-based translation
  • Giving insights into which elements interact with the users

These benefits translate into a better mobile app experience for users. 


There is no doubt about the fact that artificial intelligence is the technology of the future. Over the next few years, we are bound to see the applications of artificial intelligence and allied technologies increase by leap and bounds, and come closer to the mobile phones in the palms of our hands than ever before.

The only question is – how long will it be before we can feel the tangible effects of artificial intelligence in our lives? Artificial intelligence significantly improves the mobile app user experience. There are many benefits of AI for a better user experience. Moreover, many companies are already using AI in their apps. They are paving the way to a world where design and AI are tied together.

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