Avoid Conflicts with Your Partner

Helpful Tips to Avoid Conflicts with Your Partner

Misunderstandings are inevitable, especially when it is about our relationship with our partner and if it is a much closer and a longer one then mistakes and conflicts are guaranteed to be there. Some of the couples understand each and other and give time to analyze the exact situation but in some cases things go upside down leading to arguments and eventually heart breaks.

Any relation you talk about is based on trust, loyalty and understanding, if these three values do not exist in your relationship then there’s a problem for which you need to do something. We’ll discuss about some tips to avoid conflicts between love partners in this post.

avoid Conflicts with Your Partner

This is absolutely acceptable that two different people will have different views on many things that come across. This does not mean you have to start a fight or bring your egoistic attitude to keep your choice on the top; rather it is the time to understand both of your views and then mutually come to the final answer. A relationship surrounded by conflicts, discussions and arguments all the time is not a healthy one because it can be harmful for you or your partner. It’s better to find a way out to reduce them or mutually decide to part your ways.

Spending a lot of quality time with your beloved cannot allow you to just move on in a second, it is tough and it is not what you want, so, try out some of these tips to avoid conflicts to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings with your partner.

Here are the tips to avoid conflicts between couples

1. Don’t judge instantly

Don’t judge instantly

This is the problem of almost all the couples and they need to refrain themselves from doing so. Any decision taken without a thought may lead to a toxic relationship. If there is a situation where your thoughts are different, take time to understand and find out the reasons that why your partner has an opinion that is not according to yours.

Once you get satisfying facts with you then finally decide to come to a conclusion. This act of yours will avoid unnecessary quarrels, cold behavior of each one of you and confusions and you will get a way of how to resolve conflict with your partner. When applied properly this one among tips to avoid conflicts can be the best one for you.

2. Look for positive reasons to avoid conflicts

Look for positive reasons to avoid conflicts

It happens most of the time that your partner is late to meet you. This is the story of almost every relationship. So instead of thinking of negative reasons that why he/she is late force yourself to look out for possible positive ones. Think of those times when she/he was not able to come due to urgent meetings or some other unavoidable situations, because same could happen again.

3. Be in your partner’s shoes once

Be in your partner’s shoes once

Image Credit: Languagesystems

We sometimes misinterpret or think on our own and that first though is always against your partner. For instance, it’s your friends party and you are expecting your partner to be there but he/she does not turn out, what would you think? No, that’s exactly you don’t have to do.

Stop thinking wrong and put yourself in your partner’s shoes that if it was their friend’s party, it could be not that important for you or you might be stressed out due to some official work or there could be something very important to attend at home and so on. Always keep a room for possible reasons before bursting up.

4. Don’t try to prove yourself right

Don’t try to prove yourself right

If there is any situation where your discussion has turned into an argument, make sure you are not trying to fight and win over. Consider the situation to be a puzzle and try to solve it together. This will help you to come to a mutual conclusion without any conflicts and cold wars.

5. Try to find out what your partner is thinking

Try to find out what your partner is thinking

Whenever any argument occurs we always try and force our partner to understand that we are correct but never try to find out that what is his/her perception and if it’s different then why is it so. It is important to listen to your partner and find out what he/she is thinking as it will head to a healthy conversation instead of ruthless fights.

6. Be direct in conveying your feelings

Be direct in conveying your feelings

This is very important to avoid conflicts. If you think your relationship is taking a different way that is not acceptable by you, instead of beating round the bush, making faces and getting sad, convey your feelings directly to your partner. Tell them how you feel without blaming them and that you now want the things to get better. Easy and direct conversations will help you to find out the right ways quickly and without fights.

7. Don’t give generalized examples

Don’t give generalized examples

Image Credit: Gbcdecatur

Never give examples like- ‘you never help me out in the kitchen or you never give me anything’, because when you give such examples this makes your partner defensive and they start giving you counter examples. This can turn out to be bad for both of you leading to conflicts and arguments.

8. Don’t dig out old complaints

Don’t dig out old complaints

Yes, this is the habit of many of us that when any quarrel starts we start digging out old mistakes and complaints of our partner one by one. This is makes your partner feel embarrassed which can make the situation even more disastrous and aggressive. Stay at one point and clear out the things going on at present.

9. Do not complaint to others or fight in front of others

Do not complaint to others or fight in front of others

This is your relationship; keep it personal, only in between you two. Whatever happens, try out to solve it yourself first, if the situation is not in your hands, first think and then involve only those whom you can trust and rely on. Never try to embarrass your partner in front of your family or friends as it can harm their self respect and lead to break up. This is one of the best tips to avoid conflicts with your partner.

10. Know when it’s time to take a break

Know when it’s time to take a break

Image Credit: MamaExpert

When you see none of the above things working, then take a break and think. Call off the argument by keeping yourself calm. Even a break of few breaths and a glass of water can make the situation normal. Above everything your health is the most important thing, hence, take care of yourself and refrain from negativity.

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