AWS Consulting Amazon Web Services Glossary and Basic Tearms

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a protected cloud administrations stage, offering process power, information base stockpiling, content conveyance and other usefulness to help organizations scale and develop. AWS consulting Service Surat

In straightforward words AWS permits you to do the accompanying things-

Running web and application workers in the cloud to have dynamic sites.

Safely store every one of your documents on the cloud so you can get to them from anyplace.

Utilizing oversaw data sets like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle or SQL Server to store data.

Convey static and dynamic records rapidly around the globe utilizing a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Send mass email to your clients.

Since you understand how you can manage AWS, lets have an outline of different AWS administrations.

Essential Terminologies

District — A locale is a geological territory. Every locale comprises of (at least 2) accessibility zones.

Accessibility Zone — It is essentially a server farm.

Edge Location — They are CDN (Content Delivery Network) endpoints for CloudFront.


EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) — These are only the virtual machines in the cloud on which you have the OS level control. You can run anything you desire in them.

LightSail — If you don’t have any related knowledge with AWS this is for you. It naturally conveys and oversees process, stockpiling and systems administration capacities needed to run your applications.

ECS (Elastic Container Service) — It is an exceptionally versatile compartment administration to permits you to run Docker holders in the cloud.

EKS (Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes) — Allows you to utilize Kubernetes on AWS without introducing and dealing with your own Kubernetes control plane. It is a moderately new help.

Lambda — AWS’s serverless innovation that permits you to run capacities in the cloud. It’s a gigantic expense saver as you pay just when your capacities execute.

Bunch — It empowers you to effectively and proficiently run cluster figuring outstanding burdens of any scale on AWS utilizing Amazon EC2 and EC2 spot armada.

Flexible Beanstalk — Allows robotized sending and provisioning of assets like a profoundly adaptable creation site.


S3 (Simple Storage Service) — Storage administration of AWS in which we can store objects like records, envelopes, pictures, reports, tunes, and so forth It can’t be utilized to introduce programming, games or Operating System.

EFS (Elastic File System) — Provides record stockpiling for use with your EC2 occasions. It utilizes NFSv4 convention and can beused simultaneously by a large number of examples.

Glacial mass — It is a very ease recorded support of store documents for quite a while like a couple of years or even many years.

Capacity Gateway — It is a virtual machine that you introduce on your on-premise workers. Your on-premise information can be reared up to AWS giving greater sturdiness.

Information bases

RDS (Relational Database Service) — Allows you to run social information bases like MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle or SQL Server. These information bases are completely overseen by AWS like introducing antivirus and patches.

DynamoDB — It is a profoundly adaptable, elite NoSQL data set. It gives single-digit millisecond dormancy at any scale.

Elasticache — It is a method of storing information inside the cloud. It very well may be utilized to remove load from your data set by storing most regular inquiries.

Neptune — It has been dispatched as of late. It is a quick, solid and versatile diagram information base assistance.

RedShift — It is AWS’s information warehousing arrangement that can be utilized to run complex OLAP inquiries.


DMS (Database Migration Service) — It can be utilized to move nearby information bases to AWS. It likewise permits you to relocate starting with one sort of data set then onto the next. Eg – from Oracle to MySQL.

SMS (Server Migration Service) — It permits you to move nearby workers to AWS effectively and rapidly.

Snowball — It is an attaché measured apparatus that can be utilized to send terabytes of information inside and outside of AWS.

Systems administration and Content Delivery

VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) — It is basically a server farm in the cloud in which you convey every one of your assets. It permits you to more readily seclude your assets and secure them.

CloudFront – It is AWS’s Content Delivery Network (CDN) that comprises of Edge areas that reserve assets.

Route53 — It is AWS’s profoundly accessible DNS (Domain Name System) administration. You can enlist space names through it.

Direct Connect — Using it you can interface your server farm to an Availability zone utilizing a high velocity devoted line.

Programming interface Gateway — Allows you to make, store and oversee APIs at scale.

Designer Tools

CodeStar — It is a cloud-based assistance for making, overseeing, and working with programming improvement projects on AWS. You can rapidly create, assemble, and send applications on AWS with an AWS CodeStar project.

CodeCommit — It is AWS’s rendition control administration that permits you to store your code and different resources secretly in the cloud.

CodeBuild — It robotizes the way toward building (arranging) your code.

CodeDeploy — It is a method of conveying your code in EC2 examples consequently.

CodePipeline — Allows you to monitor various strides in your organization like structure, testing, validation, and arrangement on turn of events and creation conditions.

Cloud9 — It is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for composing, running, and troubleshooting code in the cloud.

X-Ray — It makes it simple for engineers to examine the conduct of their disseminated applications by giving solicitation following, special case assortment, and profiling abilities.

The executives Tools

CloudWatch — It can be utilized to screen AWS conditions like CPU usage of EC2 and RDS examples and trigger alerts dependent on various measurements.

CloudFormation — It is a method of transforming framework into the cloud. You can utilize formats to arrangement an entire creation climate in minutes.

CloudTrail — A method of evaluating AWS assets. It logs all progressions and API calls made to AWS.

OpsWorks — It helps in robotizing Chef arrangements on AWS.

Config — It screens your current circumstance and tells you when you break certain arrangements.

Administration Catalog — For bigger endeavors, assists with approving which administrations will be utilized and which won’t be.

Confided in Advisor — Gives you proposals on the best way to do cost improvements, and secure your current circumstance.

AWS Auto Scaling — Allows you to naturally scale your assets here and there dependent on CloudWatch measurements.

Frameworks Manager — Allows you to bunch your assets, so you can rapidly acquire bits of knowledge, distinguish issues and follow up on them.

Overseen Services—It gives progressing the board of your AWS foundation so you can zero in on your applications.


Athena — Allows you to run SQL questions on your S3 can to discover records.

EMR (Elastic Map Reduce) — It is utilized for enormous information handling like Hadoop, Apache Spark, and Splunk, and so forth

CloudSearch — It can be utilized to make a completely oversaw internet searcher for your site.

ElasticSearch — It is like CloudSearch however gives you more highlights like application observing.

Kinesis — A method of streaming and examining ongoing information at enormous scope. It can store TBs of information every hour.

Information Pipeline — Allows you to move information starting with one spot then onto the next. Eg: from S3 to DynamoDB or the other way around.

QuickSight — A business investigation device that permits you to make perceptions in a rich dashboard for information in AWS. Eg: for S3, DynamoDB, and so forth

Paste — It is a completely overseen ETL (separate, change, and burden) administration that makes it straightforward and savvy to classify your information, clean it, advance it, and move it dependably between different information stores.

Security, Identity, and Compliance

IAM (Identity and Access Management) — Allows you to oversee clients, dole out approaches, make gatherings to deal with numerous clients.

Assessor — It is a specialist that you introduce on our virtual machines, which at that point reports any security weaknesses.

Endorsement Manager — It gives free SSL declarations for your spaces that are overseen by Route53.

Index Service — A method of utilizing your organization’s record to sign in to AWS.

WAF (Web Application Firewall) — Gives you application-level insurance and squares SQL infusion and cross-website scripting assaults.

CloudHSM — It encourages you meet corporate, legally binding, and administrative consistence prerequisites for information security by utilizing committed Hardware Security Module (HSM) apparatuses inside the AWS Cloud.

Cloud Directory — It empowers you to fabricate adaptable, cloud-local catalogs for getting sorted out chains of command of information along different measurements.

KMS (Key Management Service) — It is an overseen administration that makes it simple for you to make and control the encryption keys used to encode your information.

Associations — It permits you to make gatherings of AWS accounts that you can use to all the more effectively oversee security and mechanization settings.

Shield — An oversaw DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) insurance administration that protections web applications running on AWS.

Relic — It is where you can get all your consistence affirmations.

Macie — An information perceivability security administration that orders and ensure your touchy and business-basic substance.

GuardDuty — Provides shrewd danger recognition to secure your AWS records and remaining tasks at hand

Application Services

Step Functions — A method of envisioning what’s going inside your application and what diverse microservices it is utilizing.

SWF (Simple Workflow Service) — A method of planning both computerized undertakings and human-drove assignments.

SNS (Simple Notification Service) — Can be utilized to send you warnings as email and SMS with respect to your AWS administrations. It is a push-based help.

SQS (Simple Queue Service) — The primary assistance offered by AWS. It very well may be utilized to decouple your applications. It is a draw based help.

Versatile Transcoder — Changes a video’s arrangement and goal to help various gadgets like tablets, cell phones, and PCs of various goals.

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