BigCommerce Shopping Ads

Top 5 Tips for Getting Most of your BigCommerce Shopping Ads

BigCommerce Shopping Ads

Creating a BigCommerce store is easy, but making it a sustainable and successful business demands efficient marketing strategies. Running BigCommerce shopping ads is a proficient way to drive traffic to your store. But, you need to be on top of the game if you want to make the most out of the BigCommerce shopping ads. 

If you’re a BigCommerce store owner and looking to find tips for making your BigCommerce shopping ads successful then follow the below b2b e-commerce development tips;

1. Use Google Shopping ads platform

The only argument which is enough to support the use of this tip is that out of all the ads clicks in 2018, 60% of them were on Google Shopping ads. So, there is no way you can miss out on using the Google Shopping platform for running your BigCommerce shopping ads.

Google Shopping ads are the top choice of store owners, digital marketing experts, and b2b e-commerce development agencies when it comes to running BigCommerce shopping ads. Furthermore, if you want to secure a strong ROI on your BigCommerce shopping ads, then Google Shopping ads should be your priority. The reason is you’ll get a great amount of visibility that would prove this choice a strong Return On Investment.

2. Display attractive and sharp quality product images

Displaying an attractive and good quality image on your BigCommerce shopping ad goes a long way in making your ad campaign a successful one. After your product ad, the first thing people are going to notice is the image of your product. 

You cannot redo a first impression so make sure to give the first impression perfectly. The product image is your chance to give a great first impression. A professional and attractive looking product image will attract the consumers and the chances of them clicking on the ad are comparatively higher than a casual and non-professional product image.

Follow this b2b e-commerce development tip and see the results yourself.

3. Target platforms with high reach

The success of your BigCommerce shopping ads is based on your target platforms. If you’re posting your ads on those platforms where audiences have no connection to your product then it is simply a waste of resources. Always target your ads on such platforms that offer broader reach and chances of getting success are higher.

Platforms like Google shopping ads, Facebook, Instagram are the most popular platforms among b2b e-commerce development agencies and you should use them for your BigCommerce shopping ads. They’ll give you the chance to sell big. 

4. Target the right audience

One big reason why BigCommerce Shopping ads can fail is that your target audience is the wrong one. If you’re not targeting your ads to the right audience, it means your target audience is not aware of your brand at all. You’re missing out on a great audience and your resources are also going to waste.

To get the most out of your BigCommerce shopping ads, you must target the right audience which is also the ideal way to make your ad campaign successful.

5. Writing a stellar ad copy

A compelling and stellar ad copy can generate tons of sales and traffic. Don’t hesitate to write great things about your product, because this is what impresses people—“Great qualities of products.” If you have embedded a strong and compelling ad copy with your product ad, it means you’ve done the right thing to get the most out of your BigCommerce shopping ad.

The budget and time you’ll put into writing an ad copy will decide the outcomes of your ROI. If you have done enough in your ad copy you’ll see the difference in your ROI. B2B e-commerce development agencies stress the use of compelling ad copies.

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