
Business Process Automation Tools for the Manufacturing Industry

Robot orders increased in the second quarter of 2021 by 67% as manufacturing returned to pre-pandemic levels.

The manufacturing industry continues to look for ways to automate business processes and operations.

It’s more important than ever to minimize costly errors, improve productivity, and give your manufacturing team a paper trail if you’re ever audited.

There are business process automation tools that help you achieve these goals. These tools help you manage each portion of your manufacturing business.

What are the top manufacturing automation tools? Keep reading to find out.

1. Robotics

The manufacturing industry turned to robotics to automate processes on the shop floor. The big fear of robotics in manufacturing is that they’ll replace floor workers.

Manufacturing automation with robots does change things. Robots can handle repetitive tasks that require an intense amount of focus during a long shift.

Employees are susceptible to errors in this situation. Robots reduce errors and injuries.

Instead of replacing workers, there will be a shift as to the types of workers needed in manufacturing. Robotics requires more engineers, maintenance staff, and computer programmers.

2. ERP

ERP stands for enterprise resource planning. It’s a set of systems that help you automate business processes across departments.

ERP can help manufacturers oversee compliance measures, human resources, accounting, supply chain management, and more. You can manage and automate procurement and contracts.

ERP systems then allow managers to see all of these parts of the business in one place. The best ERP systems for manufacturing allow for some automation processes. That streamlines workflows.

3. Research and Development Automation

Research and development is probably the last business process to consider for automation. You don’t need to depend completely on manual processes to innovate.

You can automate research and development in migration.

For instance, if you have a prototype developed in a research and development platform, you can migrate that easily through flexible manufacturing processes and robotics.

That significantly cuts down on the time to market.

4. Sales and Marketing Automation

How will your customers know you have the most efficient manufacturing facility? It’s up to your sales and marketing teams to get the word out and close deals.

Fortunately, many of these business processes can be automated. Messaging and CRM tools automate direct contacts with prospects.

Brand building with social media gets automated through scheduling and automation tools.

Investing in the Best Business Process Automation Tools

There’s no doubt that manufacturing automation is the wave of the future. If you want to successfully manage a manufacturing facility, you need the right business process automation tools to thrive.

You’ll be able to manage and automate everything from the shop floor to the point-of-sale. You just learned which aspects of the business should have business process automation software.

You’ll be able to implement these tools and have a manufacturing plant that’s efficient and scalable.

Are you ready for more business trends? Be sure to click on the Business tab at the top for the latest news and trends that impact your business.

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