5 Things To Keep In Mind While Choosing Machine Embroidery Backing
Choosing a machine embroidery isn’t an easy task at all and especially if you are a newbie. The reason is that you can’t skip this part and it is very important if you want to take out beautiful artwork such as NFL embroidery design which is being popular the moment audience is getting their eyes on it.
Staying updated with the current information regarding the embroidery backing will help you to get what exactly you are looking for and exactly for which type of garment you would be working on further.
There are so many factors which are needed to be tackled one at a time since no one machine can solve two different purposes and you are looking here to get the perfect one.
It is most commonly finalized once you are final about the fabric you would be using along with its stability, stitching density, common colors, size, type of design, length, and stitching speed.
Since it is a very big investment, you have to be cautious at your very best while choosing the embroidery stabilizer. These products are very finely made for specific usage and if you wrong with your selection, you could end up finding a lot of errors in them later on.
Puckering is one of such things that you could encounter in the later phases while you have put in the inappropriate material that provides a high level of stretching and the more ineligible products you would put in, the more endurance trouble you could face with the operator. Let’s look at the top 5 things you should look at while deciding on machine embroidery backing:
Since you don’t want that the stitches you have put in should go to sink in the fabric you have chosen of high class, these thing comes to play in here. It is a common sight with the terry cloth or corduroy. Though there are other trade names as well and in usual they are the derivatives of polyethylene or water-soluble plastics.
This is in the list for the majority of the embroiderers when we talk about the backing preferences. The reason being the convenience it gives when you want to carry a design on it quickly without compromising on the safety measures you should keep in mind.
It is a cheap alternative when compared to the cutaway material. If you would be able to do such a cost reduction in the expensive garment, then the probability is higher than you can capitalize on the advantage roughneck stabilizers provide for the upcoming years ahead.
Make sure there is stability with the roughneck since that way you can bring out its best backing performance and go on with your repetitive work.
Caps do provide similar backing properties just like roughneck with a range of 2-3oz per square yard weight wise. Here you want to keep the tearing clean with the usage of any such product and this is the most preferred option.
Another reason why such backing is preferred is that you would get improved crispness in both the lettering and columns. This will be seen more with the caps providing a non-uniform structure along and a low profile.
Other than that, you have various production benefits as well which is not that evident but are still persistent with cap backing. With the backing option, you can now maintain the required amount of tension required on the bobbin thread and further have a chance for the embroiderer to quickly make a switch between flats to hats and vice-versa once again keeping at bay the interaction for the machine setup.
If you are looking for stability while dealing with a delicate and stretchy fabric and want to provide them a solid base then cutaway embroidery stabilizers will help you a lot in this case and you would love to introduce this with your stitching process.
Such types of backing models are very much required in bringing the crispness of the design and maintaining the level while your machine is bringing out the desired embroidery designs which will make your customer happy, just like the NHL embroidery design. This process can be repeated multiple times for mass production.
The three steps rule includes the very basic steps and following them one by one which is considered to be the roughneck backing of the product where you are using pressure-sensitive coating the lines included are released.
The three basic rules are hard-to-hoop usage forms which include all your shirt collars or cuffs. The next rule includes maintaining the stability for all the stretchy fabrics where you have bicycle shorts or sports sweatshirts.
The final step would be removing the hoop marks which appeared while there were problems with materials such as brushed denim and suede.