Cleaning And Disinfection Of Air Ducts

Cleaning And Disinfection Of Air Ducts

Ventilation is a system that provides a comfortable air condition in a room. Air ducts are an integral part of it. They are responsible for the supply of clean air and the intake of waste. That is why the sanitary and hygienic conditions of air ducts by the ventilation system in New Jersey must also be periodically monitored.

The process of cleaning and disinfecting air ducts is a mandatory procedure, which is regulated by regulatory documents.

What is the danger?

A layer of dust and debris reduces the performance of the ventilation system: build-ups reduce the cross-sectional area of ​​the duct and also resist the moving air. Mud deposits are a favorable area for the development of pathogenic bacteria that can harm human health. The risk of fire increases: dust and grease formations on the inner surface of the duct are flammable, and the moving air stream promotes the spread of the flame. The procedure for carrying out work on air duct cleaners nj from the accumulated dirt and dust in them can be conditionally divided into several stages.

Air duct cleaning steps:





The initial inspection involves visual identification of contamination on the surface of the duct. Sometimes, at this stage, a naked human eye is sufficient. But in more difficult situations, already at this stage, it is necessary to resort to the help of specialists who will conduct an inspection using a video surveillance system.


The purpose of cleaning the ventilation system ducts is to remove visible dirt and build-ups on the inner surface of the duct, which the air comes into contact with during its movement. There are several ways to clean air ducts, and each choice depends on the type of ventilation system, the level of its pollution, the personal requirements of the customer and his finances.

Mechanical cleaning method

This is used to remove dry types of dirt. Cleaning takes place with a brushing machine. A shaft with a brush, moving along the air duct, performs its mechanical cleaning. The dust removed from the surface is picked up by the airflow created by the vacuum pump and sent to the filter.

This cleaning method has several advantages:

  • It does not take long
  • Has a relatively low cost
  • Suitable for heavily polluted air ducts
  • Does not require sealing of the ventilation system


  • Not suitable for removing grease stains

Chemical cleaning method

The system is sealed. The atomized chemical forces the contaminants to separate from the duct walls. The airflow picks up the separated impurities and carries them into the filter of the vacuum pump.


  • Effective for removing fatty deposits
  • Rapidity
  • Low cost


  • Only suitable for moderately dirty systems
  • The difficulty lies in ensuring tightness

Combined cleaning method

The first step is mechanical cleaning. At the second stage, the remaining dirt is removed using special detergents.

Features of the combined method:

  • Requires average time
  • Is expensive
  • It is necessary to ensure the tightness of the ventilation system

Cryogenic method (blasting)

Atomized particles of the reagent moving at high speed strike the dirt. As a result of the collision, a microexplosion occurs, which destroys the pollution layer without damaging the surface of the duct.


  • This method copes with any kind of pollution
  • However, this comes at a price with disadvantages:
  • Is quite expensive
  • Requires a lot of time and tightness of the system

Disinfection of ventilation ducts

The goal is to remove contaminants that have appeared on the surface of the air ducts that cannot be detected with the naked eye – harmful bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms.

Disinfection of air ducts of ventilation systems of clean rooms is especially important: using this procedure, they maintain the required level of air purity.

In the first step of disinfection of ventilation ducts, a sample is taken from the surface of the duct to determine a suitable disinfectant. Then the surface of the duct is irrigated with a working medium. In this case, solutions are used that do not require further rinsing (chemical transformation into carbon dioxide and water occurs). Then a re-sample is taken from the surface of the duct, which can be used to assess the effectiveness of the disinfectants used. After carrying out cleaning activities, at the request of the customer, it is possible to carry out.

Video inspection allows the customer from New Jersey to personally assess the quality of the work done, as well as make sure that the air duct was not damaged during the cleaning process. An inspection video camera moves along the duct by pushing it with a rigid cable, or it is placed on a special reconnaissance robot, which, in turn, moves along the duct. The chamber can be sized to inspect even small cross-sectional ducts. Also, different cameras have different viewing angles (it can reach 360º). At the same time, the camera has a flexible head that allows you to explore all kinds of turns in the air duct.

The image from the camera goes to the monitor, which is connected by a cable, and is recorded on a digital storage medium. The length of the cable varies according to the inspection camera model.

To ensure high-quality air exchange, it is also necessary to clean and disinfect them from time to time. Otherwise, ventilation from the air purification system will turn into a source of air pollution.

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