Cosmetic Techniques That Help Treat Dark Circles Under The Eyes

Dark Circles Under The Eyes

Dark circles under the eyes are one of the signs of fatigue and aging that appear at an early age for many women. The reasons behind this annoying problem are many, but at the same time and fortunately, there are many ways to alleviate it. Besides creams, masks, and natural mixtures, you can get rid of dark circles under the eyes by resorting to cosmetic and medical treatments. Below, we will introduce you to the newest and most prominent of these techniques, to take place in the event that you suffer from dark circles.

All home remedies for dark circles under the eyes

Causes of dark circles
Dark circles: it is a darkening of the skin layer under the eye, usually due to the blockage of blood vessels, and the skin color may sometimes be blue, red or yellow. The causes of dark circles are many, and they are:

  • Dry skin under the eyes
  • Excessive use of eye makeup products
  • Use eye makeup products that are not suitable for your skin type
  • Exposing too much to the sun without using a protective cream
  • Lack of sleep and staying up for long hours
  • Excessive exposure to blue light waves emitted by electronic devices
  • Not drinking enough water, that is, at least 1.5 liters per day
  • Excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages
  • Consuming a large amount of salt
  • Infection with sensitive eyes
  • Liver disease
  • Genetic factor

Cosmetic techniques that help treat dark circles under the eyes
Temporary concealer tattoos to treat dark circles under the eyes
You also know that one of the easiest ways to hide dark circles with makeup is to apply concealer. Today, you can cover it with temporary concealer tattoos in cosmetic clinics.

How do temporary concealer tattoos work for dark circles?

This treatment is based on pricking needles under the surface layer of the lower eyelid, with the aim of applying a pigment in the same shade of the skin. This toner forms a barrier between the blood vessels and the surface of the skin, hiding dark circles.

Additional information on temporary concealer tattoos

  • To get an effective result, you need a second session approximately 6 weeks after the first session.
  • The number of sessions may increase at times, depending on the severity of the dark circles.
  • You may feel a slight swelling in the acupressure area, which will disappear after several days.
  • This temporary tattoo lasts about 2 or 3 years, and you can then do it again.
  • This treatment is considered new and has not shown any long-term complications or negative effects.
  • All you need to know about temporary lip tattoos

Carboxy technology to treat dark circles under the eyes
It is a fairly modern cosmetic treatment that is used to get rid of cellulite and cracks in the body, as it has an effectiveness in fighting dark circles.

How is the carboxy technique used to treat dark circles?

Carboxy Therapy for dark circles under the eyes, as its name indicates, is based on injecting the skin and blood vessels with carbon dioxide, which is known as CO2. This is done by means of a fine, fine needle, which is injected into the affected skin area. This treatment is highly effective since carbon dioxide gas spreads quickly in the skin and works to break down fat cells and promote blood circulation in the body. This is because the body’s cells receive CO2 in the form of a toxic substance, and they flow aggressively to get rid of it through the lungs, which automatically speeds up the circulation of the blood. Best skin specialist in islamabad says that In the case of dark circles under the eyes, carbon dioxide gas is injected on the side of the eyelid at the bottom, which disintegrates the blood particles, reduces the blackness under the eyes, and helps in the arrival of oxygen and blood flow quickly.

Additional information on carboxy technology

  • A carboxy therapy session takes about 15 to 30 minutes.
  • This technique requires about 4 to 6 sessions to get an effective result, which lasts for about 6 months.
  • The side effects that may appear are redness and bruising that will disappear within a week.
  • How does the carboxy treatment get rid of cellulite and cracks in the skin?

Chemical peels to treat dark circles under the eyes
One of the most prominent cosmetic treatments to get rid of dark circles is the use of light chemical peels.

How is chemical peeling done to treat dark circles?

This treatment is based on peeling the outer layer of the skin by using gauze or dressings that contain specific acids such as: glycolic acid, retinoic acid or hydroquinone, or a mixture of salicylic acid and lactic acid.

Additional information on chemical peels

  • This treatment requires peeling in stages, to avoid skin irritation and burning.
  • Then, the doctor applies cold compresses to relieve skin irritation.
  • You will feel a burning sensation that lasts for about 20 minutes.
  • To get an effective result, you need approximately 3 sessions.
  • Complications include skin irritation or minor burns.
  • Laser for treating dark circles under the eyes
  • Among the techniques that you can resort to is laser treatment of dark circles, which carries an effective result in getting rid of this problem.

How are laser sessions done to treat dark circles?

Laser for dark circles under eyes, based on the firing of light waves by the device, targeting the under-eye area. With this step, collagen is stimulated in the skin and melanin is promoted to correct the color of the skin, thus gradually eliminating dark circles.

Additional information on laser sessions

  • The laser session lasts a few minutes and does not cause pain, but rather discomfort due to the light waves.
  • The woman needs about 3 sessions, and the number may increase depending on the severity of the dark circles.
  • You should take a break after the session for two days, and avoid exposure to the sun for a week.
  • These sessions last approximately one and a half years.
  • Filler injection to treat dark circles under the eyes
  • Filler injections have several uses, such as removing wrinkles, fighting flabbiness, reducing the nose, and enlarging the skin

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