benefit of laser hair removal

Discover 7 Key Benefits of Laser Treatments for Your Skin

benefit of laser hair removal

There is a reason why unwanted hair is called so; because it is unwanted for more reasons than one. Hair on arms and legs often takes away from your personality Discover 7 Key Benefits of Laser Treatments because it does not look good. Hair on the face is required only on the eyebrows for women and not on their lips or elsewhere. More and more men are now becoming metrosexual and want to get rid of the hair on their chest so that they can confidently wear shirts with the top buttons open!

It comes as no surprise that a growing number of people are now looking at laser hair reduction as an option to remove unwanted hair. Although there are still those who are slightly wary of this procedure, it is heartening to see that a large population is now understanding the benefits of this procedure and opting for the same.

Let’s take a quick look at what laser hair removal is and how it works:

Laser hair removal is simple enough – normally a handheld device is applied to the area where the hair has to be removed. The device emits a pulse of light, which is actually a laser, which attacks the hair as well as the follicle and that leads to the destruction of the hair from the root. Once the root has been destroyed, no new hair will be able to grow from there and that gives you a smooth hairless look.

It is important to note that each hair, on any part of the body, has three phases – the growth, the transition, and the resting phase. For the best results, the laser treatment should be done in the growth phase. This is also one of the reasons why the treatment sessions are spaced once a month, because that allows the technicians to capture the hair, each time, during the growth phase.

But there are so many other ways of hair removal:

If you were to talk to skeptics about laser skin treatment, they would tell you that there are so many other methods of hair removal, which are probably cheaper and easier. They would talk about:

  • Hair removal creams, which only need to be applied on the skin and remove the hair without any pain or discomfort. However, these creams are made using potent chemicals, which will leave your skin feeling dry and could lead to rashes and infections as well.
  • Shaving might be easy and quick, but you need to remember that you are only cutting the hair on the top, the roots are still present and when the hair grows back, you will have to do the entire process again. With shaving, there is also the fear of ingrown hair and if you nick or cut yourself, that could leave a mark.
  • Waxing might have been the hair removal method of choice for a lot of people, there is no denying that this is one of the most painful methods. Along with that, this is not a permanent solution, because hair will grow back and then you will have to undergo the entire pain process again.
  • An epilator might seem like a one-time investment and it might remove hair from the root, but because the follicles are not destroyed, the hair will regrow. Also, the procedure is not the most comfortable, because when the hair is being pulled out, it is slightly painful.

Now, let’s take a look at the 7 super benefits that you can reap from laser hair reduction:

  1. Speed – There is no doubt that this is one of the fastest hair removal procedures, mainly because each session does not take more than a few minutes. As a matter of fact, this is often called a lunchtime procedure, because all you need is half your lunch break – not more than 10-30 minutes and within a few minutes of completing the procedure, you will be able to go back to your normal routine. You will be asked to avoid direct sunlight, but apart from that, there are no major restrictions.
  2. Precision – Because the light of the laser device is highly directed, the amount of precision that you get from laser skin treatment is incredible. No matter how big or small the area where you want the hair removed, if it is laser hair removal, it is possible and actually quite easy too.
  3. Cost – Although, in the beginning, it might seem like the cost of laser hair removal is quite high, in the long run, it will actually work out much more cost-effective. If you compare the number of razors you might have to buy in a year or the number of times you have to go to the salon to get waxing done, you will realize that the few sessions of laser treatment, work out much cheaper, because this is permanent hair removal.
  4. Maintenance – The biggest benefit of laser hair removal is that it is absolutely zero maintenance – once the procedures are done and your sessions are complete, you will not have anything else to do. You will be asked to avoid direct sun exposure for a few days because your skin will be sensitive. However, post that, you will not have anything to do, to keep your skin looking smooth and hair free!
  5. Skin types – What is really great about laser skin treatment procedures like laser hair removal is that it works for almost all skin types. This means that no matter if you are fair or dark, whether you have thick or thin hair, chances are that there is some type of hair removal treatment that works for you. 
  6. Ingrown hair – With procedures like waxing and hair epilators, there is always the chance of ingrown hair, but with laser hair removal, there is no such worry. Since the very root of the hair is being destroyed, there is absolutely no chance of any hair, let alone ingrown hair, growing, allowing you to enjoy smooth and soft skin!
  7. Long-term benefits – Unlike shaving, waxing, hair removal creams, and other traditional methods of hair removal, laser hair reduction can offer you true long-term benefits. Simply because you need not keep investing in any hair removal products and also because there is no need for any time investments either, this is the option for you!

So, as you can see, the benefits of getting laser hair removal, far outweigh the few possible negatives and should be the procedure of choice for you, should you want to remove unwanted hair.

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