5 Resources and Advantages of Gamification in Early Childhood Education

Games and androids have become the best partners of kids today. The whole kids spend their time with their androidsc. Not only android games but the other games they also play to get fresh. In short, gamification is their best activity and it is not bedded if we think deeply about it, we could find out how this gamification help them learn many things.
Even today in schools, games are included in the educational curricula. In this article, you will come to know how these gamification help kids grow and educate themselves. These are not only games which they play but an educator to teach them practically. In classrooms, the incorporation of games playing an important role.
Advantages of Gamification at Early Childhood:
Discover the advantages of applying gamification in early childhood education and how to apply it in the classroom with these resources that we have collected.
- Learn to play or play to learn? The game (free or directed) is something fundamental in the early stages of life. That is why it should be applied both in the first cycle of Infant (from 0 to 3 years) and in the second (from 3 to 6 years). And how? One possibility is gamification, a learning technique in which the dynamics of the game are used in environments that do not have to be fun, thus achieving a greater connection with children and, as a consequence, better educational results.
- Gamification (or gamification) has always been used in education. However, the current social context, with a hyper-connected society and native digital children, makes it necessary to include ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in the classroom gamification strategy. Start doing it already in Early Childhood Education is possible.
Advantages of gamification in children
- Motivation: to stimulate interest in those tasks or lessons that may be more complicated or unattractive. Doing it in a fun way facilitates the internalization of concepts.
- Cooperation: greater capacity for conflict resolution, cooperation, and teamwork. This, in turn, encourages socialization among the peer group.
- Concentration: something common in any game and that is not always easy to achieve with young students.
- Improvement of cognitive skills: development of memory, logical thinking, deduction…
- Improvement of psychomotor skills: greater visual skills, eye-hand coordination, laterality…
- Digital literacy: this first contact with computers and new technologies allows you to familiarize yourself with the most basic levels of digital literacy.
To these general characteristics should be added those related to diversity. And, as Thomas at Nursing Assignment Writing Service points out, “teachers who use gamification in the classroom with students with specific educational support needs (NEAE), perceive significant improvements in their learning”.
- Adaptation to each student: gamification allows an adaptation to the needs and pace of each student. Personalization facilitates learning more adjusted to diversity.
- liBetter use of class time.
- “Greater self-esteem.”
How to apply gamification in a Children’s classroom?
The starting point to apply gamification in children is that it must be a transversal tool with which to work different issues at the same time. Thus, it will serve to address issues of environmental, road, health or equality education. In practice, and when it comes to the initial stage of schooling, this type of approach means that at the same time that children play they can learn mathematical concepts, colors or about the fauna of an area.
Gamification must be a complement to the more traditional pedagogical methods and be applied both in technological support and in more classical ones. To be successful, we must take into account the particularities of the group and the objectives that we want to achieve and that, since they are Infant students, what will predominate will be the symbolic game.
In addition, resources are more limited by having the handicap that they are students who cannot read. Those who are fun, intuitive, that allow repetition, go back, assume new identities and roles, stories with fantastic characters … should be given priority. It is not about sitting a child in front of a video game without more.
Resources to use in Infant
The tools that we can use to introduce gamification in children’s classrooms will combine the active participation of children with those resources developed by teachers to explain certain topics.
1. Class Dojo
Used in many schools in the United States. It is a communication platform between teachers, students, and families. Among its possibilities is to share photos and videos of what is done in class.
2. EdPuzzle
For the creation of own videos or modify those already on the Internet to adapt them to the characteristics of each group. Some describe it as the “youtube of teachers”.
3. Genial.ly
Multi-tool that allows you to create all kinds of interactive content such as games, presentations, infographics, concept maps … One of its advantages is that several people can edit the same content, so it facilitates cooperative work between teachers.
4. Cerebrit
It has all kinds of games created by teachers and the possibility of creating new ones. This makes it easy to have games for different themes and concepts and adapt them to the curriculum.
5. Classcraft
Roleplay in which participants will become wizards, healers or warriors. To advance in the different tests it will be necessary to cooperate as a team.
Wrapping Up:
Gamification in early childhood education makes it easy to introduce curiosity and emotion into the classroom. Games are the parts of kids today and they are playing an important role in education too. Parents must train students to learn games as they will be motivated and confident in return.
Schools are also added games in their curriculum because the educators are now well understood of the importance of the games. Must give gadgets to your kids but keep on limit to prevent any dangerous situation but must guide them properly about its proper usage. Hope this article helped you get some new points. It was a little effort to share my views with you.