Different Types of Healthy Snacks to Have at Work
While working at your office, you suddenly felt that something is missing. You reached your bag and notice that your lunchbox is empty. That is a story of every person working for long shifts as one lunchbox doesn’t cut it out. So what can a person have during his work hours, which is healthy and can be taken to the office? Here is the list of edible nutritious snacks that you can munch while you are in your office.
1. A handful of nuts and string cheese
A meal at the office should be like a meal which does not make you sleepy instead it should make you feel energetic. Few nuts will provide you with a low carbohydrate diet which does not slow you down and the high protein diet will boost you with energy and keep you satisfied until your next meal. Inclusive of all the facts, the healthy fats in nuts would add to your daily needed nutrition and maintain it.
2. Low sugar packet of oatmeal with nut butter
If you get hungry a lot, and you cannot handle the office mess you must try this. Grab a packet of oatmeal and pour in some hot water. Now, this is not tasty at all so add some butter (nut butter if it is easily accessible). The taste of nut butter will make you feel relaxed and low sugar oatmeal packet will keep your hunger away. This is a meal that is super easy to prepare, and you can enjoy it while you are traveling as well. Try keeping small packets of butter alongside.
3. Seeds
Seeds are a great source of protein and a big-time energy booster. They are not messy and easy to carry where ever you go. So if you keep a sachet with you along with your lunch, no one would notice. You can eat them alone, they taste great. They even work as toppings over different meals like oatmeal, yogurt or even a toast. Some of the easily available seeds can be pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds which taste good and give you a power boost as well. You can always try flax seeds and sesame seeds which can also help you with your bones.
4. Dry Fruits
Dried fruits are great for hunger that pangs out of nowhere after your mid-day meal. They are sweet and quench your sweet tooth as well. Some dried raisins or apricot mixed with some nuts taste great for a light snack and boost you with an energy surge to work for the remaining day in office. Raisins or dried apricot helps you in boosting your hemoglobin and the nuts will abide with giving you a dose of healthy fat as well.
5. Dark Chocolate
Who said office cannot be fun? If you know, when and where to open your bar of chocolate fun. Cocoa is a great source of magnesium, which is a natural source of stress reliever. So when you have your bar of chocolate it helps you keep up at work, satiate your hunger pangs, releases you off of your stress and cherry over the top is it is very tasty. The only drawback is if you have a 9-5 sitting job you cannot have a lot of chocolates or else you will have to face the devil named obesity.
6. Yogurt and Fruit
Yogurt can be an excellent addition to your diet. If you have yogurt daily it keeps your intestines healthy. But there is a catch, that using yogurt with some sugary add-ins can take a toll on your sleep, that is you can feel a strong urge of going to sleep after having sweet yogurt. So for eradicating the possibilities of sleeping try some fresh cut fruits along with yogurt. And you will start feeling the difference.
7. Fresh Veggies and dip
Be a little artist, along with your lunch box get another small box full of fresh cut veggies. Slice them up in long pieces of carrots, zucchini or cucumber. It is a diet with the lowest level of calories, but veggies are very high on fiber and amazingly filled with vitamins and minerals. Though each vegetable has its own taste, if you want your snack time to be tastier you can get some good veggie dips from the supermarket and enjoy your snacks with utmost delight.
8. A veggie Sandwich
A full lunch size sandwich may be quiet big for the evening snacks so there is a better option. Choose the best multi-grain bread from the market, get some vegetables chopped up. Sprinkle some taste-making seasoning on the finely chopped veggies mix them together. Place the veggies on one side of your big bread. Cut the bread into two halves. And you have half the sandwich made for you. The multi-grain bread is tasty and nutritious and will help you with your hungry stomach.
9. Roasted chickpeas and roasted broad beans
You can purchase a roasted pack of chickpeas from the market or you can do it yourself at your house. To make it taste even better, you can get a small onion and chop it finely and mix it with the fried chickpeas. You can even sprinkle some tastemakers over them and enjoy the snack with your colleagues and share your recipe with them. Besides the great taste, the Chickpeas are a great source of protein and will help you get energetic.
10. Cookies
You can always get a box of chocolate cookie for your office. It is tasty and you can keep munching the whole day. It tastes good, and you have the power to purchase the cookies which are low on carbohydrate and healthy for your health. Multi-grain cookies are full of fiber and low in sugar and are trending these days.
So here are the 10 things which are handpicked for you guys to enjoy your office time. Hope you enjoy them and would definitely share your responses for us.