Drinks to Lose Weight

Homemade Detox and Cleansing Drinks to Lose Weight

The process of detoxification can be defined as detoxifying the body or removing out the harmful toxins from the body. From the archaic times, it is used as one of the best practices to treat several problems; one of them is weight loss. Detox and cleansing drinks to lose weight are quite popular nowadays.

The process of weight loss is tedious and requires some add-ons to facilitate its pace. Detox drinks do the same. They help in flushing out all those calories and harmful toxins of the body out while also boosting the metabolism rate. This can help in a speedy weight reduction.

Of course, sticking to a diet and regular exercise is the key to the weight loss but the detox drinks can facilitate the whole process. Detoxification in simpler terms means cleansing. It can be described as an intense process of cleansing the body in a natural manner.

Moreover, these cleansing drinks to lose weight can be easily prepared at home. So you don’t have to spend those extra bucks on anything, you can prepare them at home and can easily consume it as and when you like it. Drinking these detox drinks on regular basis can help you with the weight reduction process.

You can easily see the difference before and after consuming these magical drinks. There are several detoxification drinks with their own distinctive benefits apart from the common objective of a deep cleansing of the body. So you can try different detox drinks to avail the benefits of all and enjoy their sumptuous flavors too.

Top 5 cleansing drinks to lose weight

Water is one of the most powerful natural detox drink that can keep you hydrated and flush out all the harmful toxins naturally. Here is the list of the top 5 home-made cleansing drinks to lose weight that can help you a lot:

1. Apple and cinnamon detox drink for keeping the fat far… far… away

Apple and cinnamon

This detox water can be counted amongst the most popular and easy detox drinks to make at home. The detox drink is delectable too apart from being a drink for slimming. Both apple and cinnamon contain several beneficial properties that could help in weight loss. Cinnamon is believed to boost the metabolism rate too which means you can easily shed those extra kilos at the much faster rate.

Add fine slices of apple and a cinnamon stick in about 1 liter of water and let it sit for few hours. Your detox drink is all set. You can use cinnamon powder too in place of cinnamon sticks. Drink this water on the regular basis; you can use the same apples and cinnamon for the day. Not only it will help in the detoxification of harmful toxins but will fasten up the process of weight reduction too.

2. Shedding those kilos with the cucumber and grapefruit detox drink

cucumber and grapefruit

Cucumber is considered quintessential in every diet for weight loss. This fibrous delight can be eaten raw or can be used in detox water too. It is believed to be one of the best fat cutters too. To make the detox water of cucumber and grapefruit you are going to need a medium sized grapefruit, a cucumber along with a sliced lemon and some mint leaves.

All the ingredients should be chopped well and kept in a glass bottle. You can allow this detox drink to sit in a refrigerator for a couple of hours. Drinking this five to six times a day will help in flushing out all those harmful toxins apart from shedding all those extra kilos. Also, detox drink has major effects on skin and can be used as nectar for it when consumed on regular basis.

3. ACV for burning the stubborn fat cells


Image: Wellandgood

ACV is the acronym used for apple cider vinegar. You probably are aware of its benefits in treating acne and skin breakouts but it has got so much more. It can form the core ingredient of the invigorating detox drink to make at home. It can help in burning the calories which facilitate the whole process of weight reduction.

For preparing the drink, you are going to need to add 2-3 spoons of ACV, some fine slices of apple, few drops of lemon juice in water. ACV is quite invigorating, so you can add some sweetener too. So what are you waiting for, prepare this detox drink for weight loss and get some powerful benefits for the skin too? The advantages of two in one drink.

4. To burn the fat cells from roots, use Ginger and Lemon detox water

Ginger and Lemon

The powerful role lemon can play in the whole process of weight loss is not unknown. Adding the benefits of the magical root, Ginger will only ascend the whole process of weight reduction. Ginger is believed to be the natural painkiller too so the water can help during sore muscles too. The detox drink can be prepared by taking a cup of water and adding a couple of sliced lemon pieces and grated ginger along with few drops of fresh lemon juice.

So leave the excuses of sore muscles and go out for an intense workout with this magical drink by your side.

5. Burn out your fat with the soothing duo of cucumber and lemon in detox water

cucumber and lemon

One of the very first things you should know about weight loss and in general for a healthy body is “to keep yourself hydrated”. Cucumber is one of the richest sources of fibers and possesses anti-inflammatory properties that will keep your body hydrated. Lemon is citrus which automatically makes it powerful enough to cut down those tough layers of fat.

Take about eight cups of water and add some sliced cucumber and lemon pieces along with a couple of mint leaves. Mix all of them well and let it sit for good 6-7 hours. You can prepare this drink a day before too for consuming the following day. Constituting all the health benefits, the among all cleansing drinks to lose weight is quite good in flavors too.

So how about giving those fat cells some lemon in real?

Shed those extra kilos, or burn out the fat cells, do whatever it takes for a fit and healthy body with the detox drinks by your side.

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