
How Long Can You Wear Contacts Safely?

Contact lenses are a godsend for people who have less than perfect eyesight. They’re less cumbersome than wearing glasses, and they’re a lot more affordable and less invasive than having laser eye surgery done. But there are some things you should know if you’d like to start wearing them.

Among the questions you’ll get answers to in this article: how long can you wear contacts? Who can wear contacts? What are the different types of contacts available?

If getting contact lenses is something you’re considering, then this is the guide for you. Read on for everything you need to know.

Who Can Wear Contacts?

The first thing you should be aware of is that not everyone will be eligible to wear contact lenses. If you want to see whether you’re a good candidate, you should begin by having an eye exam done (https://www.spectaculareyewear.net/how-often-should-you-get-an-eye-exam/). This is, of course, something you should be doing at least once a year anyway.

There are a few different types of conditions that could preclude you from getting contacts. If you suffer from dry eye syndrome or astigmatism, for example, it might be difficult for you to wear them.

What Are the Different Types of Contacts?

Another thing to be aware of is that there are different types of contact lenses available. Depending on your medical history or lifestyle, one may be preferable over the other for you.

The main types of contacts are soft contact lenses, rigid gas permeable contact lenses, and hybrid contact lenses. Soft contact lenses are the most popular variety in the US.

Rigid lenses allow more oxygen to get to the surface of the eye than softer lenses. This helps to decrease the risk of certain eye problems developing. Hybrid lenses are a combination of the two other types and are less common and more expensive.

How Long Can You Wear Contacts?

How long you wear your contacts depends on the condition of your eye health and the type of contacts you have a prescription for. Daily wear contact lenses are worn during the day and removed each night for cleaning. You can wear them for up to 16 hours at a time.

If you have disposable lenses, these can typically be worn for up to 8 hours at a time. Then there are lenses that are intended for extended wear. You can wear these for up to four weeks at a time, but it’s recommended that you take them out at night.

Begin Your Contact Lens Journey Today

If you’re interested in switching to contact lenses, then we hope this guide has been of some help in helping you learn how long can you wear contacts and what types are available. The type of lens you ultimately end up getting should be a personalized decision made after some consideration. Make sure to speak with your eye doctor before making your final choice.

If you’re looking for more advice on all things to do with your eyesight, we’ve got you covered. Browse the rest of our articles now.

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