
How to Effectively Build a Brand for Your Company

Did you know that people open 600,000 new small businesses every year? 

This seems like an extraordinary number, probably because we don’t hear about them all. In a sea of new businesses, it’s extremely difficult to set yourself apart.

This is where company branding comes in. Every small, seemingly insignificant decision you make about business branding could be the make-it-or-break-it. That’s why learning how to build a brand is integral to your success.

Keep reading so you can build a brand today.

Know Who You Are

Defining the values of your company is foundational. If you don’t know who you are, then neither will your target audience. There is nothing that distinguishes you from other companies with the same products or services.

Making a list of your values should be the first thing you do when building a brand. Next, incorporate those values into a written mission statement.

Take a look at how other companies structure their mission statement. What resonates with you?

Lastly, figure out what you’re trying to accomplish. Beyond just making sales, how do you want to serve your community?

Know Your Audience

We can’t please everybody.

The sooner you learn this whole business marketing, the better. Your target audience should have a unique set of interests, hobbies, professions, and needs.

They’re also likely to come from a certain income bracket, ethnicity, and age group. It’s also okay to have more than one market segmentation, as long as your product answers the question, “Why do they need this?”

Discovering what your market segmentations want isn’t always easy. To build a brand, doing your research on them is a must. The more specific, the better.

Need help getting started with your business marketing? Visit Model B at https://www.modelb.com/agency/ to get started.

Know Your Competition

Your competition is any business targeting the same audience. Review this list of questions to make sure that your business marketing conveys a unique set of values:

  • What specific keywords do you see popping up in their value or mission statement? Are your own values too similar?
  • Where do they position themselves in the market?
  • What are the features of their product or service?
  • What is their brand voice?
  • What is their color scheme?

Answering these questions helps you build a brand that is specific to you. 

Know Your Voice

Good company branding professionals know how to make you sound unique. This should be evident in your marketing copy in ads and on social media.

Without seeing a social media handle, would your audience be able to identify that the post was written by your company?

Build a Brand Today

With so many people starting businesses every month, standing out is no small task. It’s the reason small businesses burn out after only a few years.

Thankfully, knowing how to build a brand will give you solid ground to stand on. It solidifies your position in the market. All it takes is some savvy business marketing.

For more tips on business branding, check out our other posts.

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