
How To Get Rid of Eyelash Mites

Are you noticing unsightly debris around your eyelashes? If so, you may deal with eyelash mites.

Lash mites are tiny bugs that live in your eyelashes. Although most people won’t feel the inevitable itch, eyelash mites can lead to serious health concerns, including not only red, irritated skin but in more serious cases.

Luckily, there are a few ways you can stop them in their tracks if you suspect they’ve taken up residence in your lashes.

Keep reading for our complete guide on how to get rid of eyelash mites.

Eyelash Mites: Causes and Symptoms

Eyelash mites, also known as Demodex are tiny, spider-like creatures that live in the hair follicles of your eyelashes. They’re so small that you can’t see them with the naked eye. These mites feed on the oils and dead skin cells that are produced by your eyelashes.

There are a few things that can cause eyelash mites. One of the most common is poor hygiene. If you don’t clean your eyelashes well, the mites will have a suitable environment to live in.

Another cause of eyelash mites is using old makeup that can transfer to your eyelashes. There are common symptoms of eyelash mites, including itchiness, redness, and swelling around the eyes.

Home Remedies

To remove eyelash mites naturally, putting a warm, damp cloth on your face for a few minutes can help loosen the mites so that they can be rinsed away.
Another remedy is to make a paste of lemon juice and water and apply it to your lashes with a cotton ball. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse it off.

You can also try applying a small amount of coconut oil to your lashes and letting it sit for a few minutes before washing it off.
Keep your eyelashes clean by washing them every day with soap and water.

Other Treatments

If home remedies don’t work, you can always try a more serious approach. There are a few products on the market that can kill eyelash mites. We can find these at most drugstores or online.

You can use products that contain tea tree oil or neem oil. These oils have natural antifungal and antibacterial properties. Apply a few drops to a cotton swab and gently wipe it over your lashes and be careful not to get any in your eyes!

Seek a Professional

If you have a severe infestation, you may need to see a doctor or dermatologist for treatment. They can prescribe the appropriate treatment such as medicated cream or lotion to kill the mites that will kill the mites and help to prevent them from coming back.

It is important to get rid of the mites as soon as possible, as they can cause serious damage to your eyes that needs a blepharoplasty.

Act Now on How to Get Rid of Eyelash Mites

Follow this easy eyelash mites guide to keep them away from coming back. To get rid of eyelash mites, practice good hygiene, clean your eyelashes with a gentle cleanser, and try tea tree oil or peppermint oil. If the symptoms got worse, seek a professional doctor or dermatologist right away.

Whatever method you choose on how to get rid of eyelash mites, remember to be patient. It may take a few weeks to see results, but the mites will be gone and you can go back to enjoying your lash.

For more of the best health tips and advice, check out the rest of our blog.

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