
How to Identify a Narcissist: 4 Tell-Tale Signs

Are you confused about whether the weird things your friend, coworker, partner, or family member does is normal, or if they could be a narcissist?

The truth is that recognizing narcissism isn’t always easy. Even experts can’t always tell when someone has traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, as it takes an in-depth psychological examination to recognize the signs of a narcissist.

Luckily, there are some telltale signs of narcissism that say a “normal” person might be behaving narcissistically. Read on to find out how to identify a narcissist and the telltale signs to watch out for.

1. Narcissists Are Always Fishing for Compliments

Narcissists crave validation from others. They need constant reassurance that they are important, special, and worthy of attention. This attention-seeking behavior can be exhausting for those who are close to them.

Narcissists can be difficult to be around because they are always looking for ways to build themselves up. It is important to be aware of these signs of narcissism if you are in a relationship.

One way to handle it is to give them genuine compliments when they are deserving. This will help them feel better about themselves and might make them less likely to seek compliments from others.

2. Narcissists Love to Talk About Themselves

You can identify a narcissist in how they talk about themselves. They think they are the most interesting people in the world. They are always the center of attention and need to be the center of attention.

Narcissists may bore you with stories about their accomplishments, their plans, or how great they are. They may expect you to be impressed.

Narcissists may also try to dominate conversations and monopolize your attention. If you try to change the subject or move away, they may get angry or give you the silent treatment. You can view here for more information on how to spot them

3. Narcissists Are Very Charming

Narcissists are very good at making other people feel special and important. They are often very charismatic and people are drawn to them. Also, have a strong sense of self-importance and view themselves as superior to others.

They can be very persuasive, and people often find themselves falling under their spell. They are often very successful at work and in their personal lives. Narcissists are also usually very good at hiding their true intentions and masking the true feelings that allow them to manipulate and control others.

4. Narcissists Can Be Very Manipulative

Narcissists try to control you by making you feel guilty or by making you feel like you owe them something. They are successful in getting people to do things for them, or to give them what they want. They may use flattery or threats to get what they want. And, if all else fails, they may resort to violence. 

How to Identify a Narcissist in Your Life

If you’re wondering how to identify a narcissist in your life, the best thing to do is to pay attention to how they make you feel. Do they make you feel inferior or like you don’t matter? Do they always have to be the center of attention?

If you answered yes to these questions, then there’s a chance you’re dealing with a narcissist. If you’re not sure, it’s always best to seek professional help.

For more helpful tips and tricks, be sure to check out our other posts!

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