Treat Edema Naturally

Know Top 7 Ways to Treat Edema Naturally

If you want to know the cure for edema, first of all, you should understand the condition. First of all, a quick definition! Edema can be described as the swelling of various body parts, including but not limited to the legs, feet, ankles, and in some cases, even upper extremities such as feet and hands. This happens because an abnormal amount of fluid accumulates in such areas – it can leak into the open spaces of the body – and cannot be adequately removed or dealt with by the body itself.

When such swollen areas are touched or pressed, indentations may be formed, which may take some time to vanish – the flesh may take a little while to return to the state it was in before it was touched or pressed. Some people who have had edema have reported occasional tingling sensations in these areas. Edema sufferers should wear edema shoes to some relief from pain. Lower extremities are most often where such fluid accumulates because gravity pulls the fluid downwards.

What Then Are The Causes Of Edema? 


There are many possible causes of edema, and they range from the mild and relatively harmless to the potentially life-threatening. Simple exposure to heat and very hot weather can cause fluid to accumulate, leading to edema – even relatively healthy people can suffer from this condition from time to time; however, this sort of edema usually goes away by itself even if not treated. Pregnant women are also likely to suffer from edema; some of these women may not need to seek a way to cure their edema, as it will go away over time.

Other causes are more serious and need attention and treatment, such as dehydration (if the body senses dehydration it can end up holding on to its stored water instead of releasing it), edema that occurs as a side effect of anemia, liver disease, heart failure, vein problems, and thyroid conditions. Because edema can be one of the first symptoms of these and other potentially fatal conditions, sufferers should seek medical attention just to be sure instead of just trying to cure edema.

Cure For Edema

Cure For Edema

Now, as we have discussed the main cause of edema, we can bring up effective cures for the condition. Simple diet changes may be able to cure the condition. Salt is, of course, important for health, but too much salt in the diet can lead to various problems – one of which can be edema because salt can cause water retention. Due to increased protein and fat consumption, your body will start recovering from the edema problem. In the case of dehydration is the main culprit for edema, and then you should drink enough water. If not, then your water intake should be reduced. Also, consider eating fewer fruits and vegetables. It will increase the fluid level in your body.

1. Do Enough Exercise

Whatever method is used to cure edema, one should make sure to try to accentuate it by getting enough exercise, which will improve circulation and lead to increased water loss through sweating. And swollen lower extremities may be treated through simple elevation to let gravity drain the water out of the afflicted areas.

2. Consult Naturopath

Edema is a kind of disease when it occurs in the body, particularly the legs, ankles, and feet swell. The major reason for swelling is that too much water retention in the body’s tissues. Pregnancy is another major reason for edema. Edema can be caused by sunburn, some medications, eating too much salt or other serious conditions such as heart failure, kidney or liver disease.

The cause of your condition should be discussed with your doctor. Edema can be a symptom of a serious health condition, so always consult your doctor or naturopath before taking herbal remedies or attempting to treat you at home. You can use some herbal remedies at home to reduce edema. These herbal remedies could relieve the discomfort and pain caused by edema.

3. Reduce Fat and Salt Intake

The salt and fat are the main factors that affect edema disease. You should reduce salt and fat in your diet by including more raw foods. The most important ingredient in herbal remedies is lots of water and fresh fruits and vegetables. You should eat fresh raw fruits and vegetables as they can help your body to eliminate salt and toxins that are causing edema. Often the culprit in edema is salt, as it is responsible for water retention in the body. Therefore, you should try to eliminate salt from your body.

4. Drink Dandelion Tea

You should take two cups of dandelion tea daily. It’s a natural diuretic which can help to reduce the swelling of edema. Dandelion leaves are high in vitamins A, C, D, and B as well as zinc, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, choline, calcium, boron, copper, and silicon. It’s highly nutritious. You should boil 1 cup of water and remove from heat before adding one tsp. of fresh dandelion. Allow the tea to boil for 5 minutes, and then strain the herbs and drink. You should drink dandelion tea continuously; don’t drink just in a few days.

5. Eat Fresh Cucumber Daily 

It’s very important for you to eat one whole fresh cucumber daily. Many herbal remedies include fresh cucumber, as it has many healing properties. Cucumber will help to eliminate toxins from the body and reduce water retention caused by edema. 

6. Dressing from Comfrey and Coltsfoot 

You should make an herbal poultice from comfrey and coltsfoot that you can apply directly to the affected area. Take four cups of water and put them inside the microwave for a few minutes. Add two teaspoons of comfrey and two teaspoons of coltsfoot and allow this solution to steep for five minutes. Strain the herbs, soak a towel in the water, and apply to the affected area for 20 minutes three times a day. Only in this way you can treat your edema. It’s a good way to save money. You could heal your edema without a huge amount of money.

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