
Is Brown Sugar Healthy?

Don’t give us that look, but yes, brown sugar can be healthy too!

That’s according to some camps, while others are still quick to rebut, not really! So what’s the deal?

In this guide, we’re going to examine fact and fiction and give you the most accurate idea about this ancient sweetener. Some say it’s second fiddle to its white superior, but is it really?

And when others say brown sugar is healthy, how so? And what about all the other sweeteners?  

So much has been said – and not said – about these colored crystals, but now it’s time to spill the truth.

Is brown sugar healthy? We’ll spell out the answer for you in this article, so read on.

Production Process

Brown sugar is an added sugar that used to be derived straight from sugarcane and sugar beets. This minimal processing left a natural brown tinge on the produced crystals. 

Of late, most brown sugar is made simply by adding molasses to white sugar. Molasses is a thick, syrupy byproduct of the sugar refining process and gives today’s brown sugar its now-artificial characteristic color.

Nutritional Profile

Because brown sugar is now made with white sugar, the individual nutritional values of both sweeteners are no longer that unique. The only difference is that brown sugar now has extra nutrients.

With the molasses, brown sugar will now have higher amounts of vitamin B6 and minerals like magnesium, copper, selenium, potassium, iron, manganese, and calcium. 

Brown Sugar vs White Sugar  

In a technical sense, brown sugar is healthier than white sugar because it has more nutrients and a tad fewer calories – 15 for a teaspoon as opposed to white sugar’s 16.3.

The more important question is, will this difference lead to any significant health benefits?

This is where it gets tricky because experts put brown sugar on the same level as white sugar in terms of nutrition.  

The Truth and Nothing But

The reality is that while brown sugar has slightly more nutrients than white sugar, it is still not considered a good source of nutrition. 

Hence, you must not have any more of it than the usual recommended intake for all added sugars.  

How Much Brown Sugar Is Healthy? 

According to the American Heart Association, your daily sugar intake must be under 25 grams (6 teaspoons) or 100 calories if you’re female and below 37.5 grams (9 teaspoons) if you’re male.  

The AHA also warns about the range of health issues caused by excessive sugar intake, from heart disease to acne and even depression. 

Healthier Substitutes

Organic sugar, stevia, and many other healthy sweeteners have appeared in the market in recent years. One particularly impressive group is called sugar alcohols, including mannitol, erythritol, and sorbitol, among others.

Sugar alcohols are considered a must in keto diets because they aid weight loss by pulling down the body’s sugar levels.

If you’ve been trying to lose weight, you won’t believe how the best keto sweeteners can help.

So, Is Brown Sugar Healthy? 

While brown sugar does contain an added vitamin and more minerals, it is still considered nutritionally similar to white sugar.

So, is brown sugar healthy? In reasonable amounts, yes, but keep in mind that it is still sugar.

As always, the key is to consume it in moderation.

If you’re eager to learn more about sweeteners and their impact on health,  we have loads more for you. Keep reading! 

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