
Just Smile: 5 Unique Things to Do to Make You Happy

The COVID-19 global pandemic not only caused health problems but a huge increase in mental illness. Across the world, the World Health Organization reported a 25% increase in anxiety and depression — and this is a conservative estimate. 

With all that’s going on in the world, it’s important to take time for self-care. To learn about some things to do to make you happy, check out the ideas below. 

1. Make a Playlist

Listening to music can have therapeutic benefits. When researchers conducted MRIs and PET scans on research participants that listen to music, they found that it stimulated certain pathways in the brain that evoke pleasure and fulfillment. 

When making the perfect happiness playlist, make sure to include songs that remind you of the best times of your life.

2. Go Outside 

Spending time in green spaces is scientifically proven to have a positive impact on mental wellness. 

Although living in the city is fun, urban landscapes have a negative impact on the brain. Specifically, the amygdala and the perigenual Anterior Cingulate Cortex (pACC) exhibit more activity, indicating higher levels of stress. 

Conversely, open, green spaces allow the brain to relax and offer more peace. One reason may be that there are fewer visual stimuli for the brain to process.  

3. Set Some Goals

Setting goals literally changes how we see the world. It can contribute to a sense of purpose and meaning, creating more fulfillment which will help you cultivate happiness. 

When setting goals, make sure that they are attainable. Break a large goal down into smaller steps and celebrate progress along the way. 

There is even a happiness course to help with skills like this. Click the link to learn more about this course.

4. Get Plenty of Rest

Depression and sleep have a bidirectional relationship. It can be hard for doctors to determine if a lack of sleep is causing depression, or if depression is causing trouble sleeping. 

Of course, lack of sleep can negatively impact brain function. The brain needs the rest sleep provides to do some important maintenance, like repairing cells and eliminating waste. Make sure to get at least eight hours of sleep per night.

5. Smile More

There’s a reason the term fake it ’til you make it is a cliche. It is partially rooted in truth. 

Biofeedback involves tuning into the physiological state of your body — different physiological responses send specific messages to the brain. If you’re smiling, your brain will receive the message that you must be happy. 

You can also learn to tune into other parts of the body, like the muscles, to decrease a stress response. 

More Things to Do to Make You Happy

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of all the things to do to make you happy. Happiness is elusive because it is defined individually. It is also something dynamic, not something we can attain and keep at all times.

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