How Marketing Affects Our Lives – 3 Facts You Didn’t Know
The modern world is full of novelty, innovation, bold decisions and … consumption. Large and small, foreign and domestic, promoted and unknown – companies around the world are actively forming a consumer society with one single goal – to increase sales and, accordingly, profits. Question “how to do this?” – is the first priority of every marketer.
The result of their efforts is the fact that sometimes people themselves do not catch how unnoticed they become hostages of fashion brands. And the one who said yesterday that he is not subject to advertising and will not “fall for the bait” of fashion trends, today will buy jeans and glasses of a long-loved brand, not realizing that this is also a direct proof of an advertising ploy.
Advertising “lurks” us around every corner, like a skilled magician, operates with a variety of techniques and methods, forcing us to buy this or that thing.
The importance of marketing is difficult to overestimate, and its impact on our lives is as great as it is significant. We bring to your attention a selection of three interesting facts about marketing that can be a real help for a budding marketer or useful information for people interested in this difficult craft.
Aroma marketing or how to manage consumer desires with the help of smell.
Almost everyone who has ever been to large markets, willy-nilly, became a witness to this skillful technique, and sometimes even a living proof of it. Have you thought about why so many hypermarkets have their own production of fresh baked goods or cooked food? This tactic has two sides of the coin, one of which is to whet your appetite and stimulate additional purchases that you did not initially plan. Scientists have proven that a hungry person buys more than a well-fed person, hence the phenomenon of aroma marketing.
Music marketing
Not many people think, and sometimes do not even notice at all, the fact that various kinds of shopping centers, fast foods, hypermarkets, cafes and restaurants play completely different music in their halls. This is due not only to the fact that “every hut has its own rattles”, but also to a clever marketing trick. For example, in fast food establishments, as a rule, lively and energetic music is played, encouraging consumers to speed and move – to eat quickly and make room for another. In large hyper- and mega-markets, slow and unobtrusive music plays, aimed at ensuring that the buyer wanders between the aisles for as long as possible, choosing more and more new products.
Sensory marketing
Sensory marketing is a kind of quintessence of tools that allow a person to develop a conditioned reflex – the association of melodies, smells, sounds, sensations and colors with certain brands. Beauty salons, boutiques of expensive clothes, elite establishments try to attract customers not only with products or services, but also with certain associative melodies (pleasant ringing of bells at the entrance), coffee and chocolate aromas, interior shades and even packages that are pleasant to the touch. The whole essence of sensory marketing is directed and addressed not to a person’s logic, but to his feelings.
The uniqueness of sensory marketing lies in the impact on consumers not only through direct contact at the points of sale, but also through an advertising message aimed at an emotional call to remember, feel, touch.
When developing an advertising campaign based on sensory marketing, you need to understand what experiences are important for the target audience, what excites and delights them.
Marketing is a complex and subtle science that requires remarkable ingenuity and dexterity, as well as a keen mind and attention to detail. Thanks to marketing, humanity moves forward, develops, strives for novelty, optimization and finding solutions to all emerging desires and needs.
Choosing right agency
Brandettes CPG marketing agency, a leading specialist in the field of innovation and IT, has shared its forecasts for 2021. In the next year’s trends, retailers will continue to focus on digital communication. In the endless “hunt” for consumer attention, the popularity of mobile devices and digital channels will only grow.
In the modern world, digital “education” is no longer surprising. Almost every retail and distribution company uses digital tools. Consequently, consumers are overstating the bar, they want to buy in one click and have instant access to content across all channels at any time. Also, buyers will give preference to stores that provide free shipping within ten hours.
To satisfy consumers, an immersive experience is being developed – 360 ° video / photo technologies, virtual and augmented reality that will be used in various educational and musical fields.