Use DevOps Culture

Explore Top 4 Reasons To Use DevOps Culture

The innovation represented by the DevOps culture is slowly becoming a reality in a growing number of companies looking to modernize their processes. It also places more favorable behavior in its context to get answers in a shorter time and seize greater market opportunities.

Through more developed, integrated IT tailored to achieve meaningful results quickly, the return is evidenced in faster deliveries and greater business insight.

To make it easier to understand why it is worth using this culture in your company, follow these steps:

About DevOps

DevOps basically means a behavioral transformation that involves ways to integrate teams, streamline, optimize and automate part of a company’s technology processes. This enables companies to improve their entire workflow and help teams communicate and share knowledge to make projects easier to develop.

It is important to clarify that DevOps does not simply mean an automation methodology or toolkit itself. It represents much more: a true cultural change that affects the whole business.

Implementing them means, first of all, setting a new mindset in the company that leads to greater collaboration, awareness of the need to follow trends in more agile methodologies. Which will bring more potential to IT and the business?

Thus, the company also becomes able to respond to certain demands more quickly and to reach different audiences at appropriate times. In addition to developing more tailored applications and features with “something more” in favorable situations. The goal is to create differentials with customers, getting ahead of competitors.


1. The use in the company

The DevOps culture confers competitive advantages for the company, as it allows it to have distinctive characteristics to deal with the challenges and constant innovations of the technology market. The expectations and needs of internal and external customers will give you both market share and technology arsenal to help your business reach bigger and timely opportunities.

It is interesting to use this work model in a company’s projects, as it allows it to act in two different ways, necessary to provide fluidity while maintaining system stability. The first, traditional model focuses on preserving structures, hierarchies, and stability for standard execution of company activities.

The second, innovative, seeks to develop solutions in a shorter and often unconventional way by integrating teams and placing them side by side in the task force. It seeks to break down barriers between Development, Operations, and Business to achieve results faster. This gives speed to the company or even while maintaining security.

With this Bimodal system, the company can quickly develop tools for the business sector by proposing something new to the target audience. As well as putting into practice an idea that is moving competitors to achieve prominence and pioneering, converting and winning customers and thus reaching positions faster. IT can help develop applications for this race and bring results that drive more and more revenue.

That is why DevOps is one of the factors that help improve processes and automate tasks. It advances the team side in this bimodal system of work, representing a major change in the company’s culture.

The main benefits

For the way projects are conducted in companies, DevOps brings benefits of time optimization and efforts by proposing shorter development cycles, collaborative work, and paradigm-breaking between the areas involved. Moreover, it always aims to generate revenue and not costs.

Integration and time reduction in projects

Working with DevOps also brings benefits such as integrating with trends such as Cloud (including hybrid clouds), PaaS, SaaS, and IaaS, which together dramatically lower operating costs and greatly ease the business routine. Thus, it will have broader sharing and engagement tools. In addition to highly competent infrastructure and work platforms supported by companies that provide the service. This helps crop migration and adaptation to a more productive model occur with less difficulty.

2. Process and Resource Optimization

Reshaping the way the industries involved work has benefits for software reuse, reduced delivery efforts, and flexibility for faster responses. Also helping to reduce mismatch rates by dividing projects into stages and testing functionality in an intermediate way.

With the help of uncomplicated automation tools and dashboards, it also more easily tracks the metrics and results of this deployment, performs automatic or easier deploys, deploys teams, and helps them “make fewer mistakes” and have more fluid communication. In addition, it optimizes processes and resources so that the company operates differently, eventually using the same people and equipment, which gives it an advantage.

3. Greater empowerment

By conducting training by specialized consultants, the company can still qualify and better prepare its teams. It can raise the quality of collaborative work and help teams be more receptive to cultural change and see value to that extent.

4. Proactive intervention facility

With the DevOps culture, groups are integrated and it is easy to adapt to any problem encountered during the project to the best solution. Since tests and intermediate deliveries can already detect possible failures or needs for adequacy.

All this helps the company meet processes and demands with greater excellence, supported by the use of automation and results in tools. In the end, always focusing on a promising cultural change closely monitored by experts and capable of positively transforming the way the company does business.

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