Residential Rooftop Solar System

What is a Residential Rooftop Solar System & Its Benefits?

Residential Rooftop Solar System

Solar panels placed on roofs can harness the sun’s energy and convert it into electricity. These rooftops are used to store PV modules.

Residential Rooftop Solar Solutions

India’s shift to clean, reliable, and affordable electricity is evident in the rapid growth of solar panels on roofs of buildings, homes, schools, government buildings, and businesses. These solar panels include solar panels for residential use, commercial solar panels, and solar panels that can be used in offices.

India is the country that has the highest production of renewable energy. India’s renewable energy sources account for 35% of its installed power generation capacity, or 17% of India’s total electricity.

Today, India’s solar rooftop adoption is increasing. Residential rooftop solar, which started from a low base, has grown to be the fastest-growing sub-sector of renewable energy in India. It has a compound annual growth rate, CAGR, of 116% between 2012-2018.

The World Bank provides US$625m of financial support to grid-connected rooftop solar projects in India, in order to assist India in reaching its ambitious goal of 227GW (previously it was 175GW).You can research about best rooftop solar company in India Before Buying it.

Residential Rooftop Solar Benefits

·         Cost savings

The greatest benefit of residential rooftop solar panels installed on a roof is the cost savings. Rooftop solar tariffs are 27% and 27% less than commercial and industrial tariff rates, respectively. The trend in solar panels is that they are getting cheaper so industries will see growth in the coming years.

No health risks are present from the moment the panels are installed to the generation of electricity by PV cells. They don’t produce any heat-trapping gasses that contribute to global warming. It doesn’t produce carbon dioxide and also no other harmful emissions or pollutants associated with coal, such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxides, mercury.

·         Low maintenance costs

Rooftop solar system is cost-effective. It is easy to maintain and clean. The average life expectancy for solar roofs is 25 years, making them well worth the investment. There are no significant costs involved. They have an asset management system that monitors the health of your solar panels and alerts you immediately if any issues occur.

·         Electricity bills reduced

Residential Rooftop Solar panels can be installed for your home or office to reduce your electricity bills. Normal electricity connections rely on natural gas, coal, and oil to power homes all across the country. Installing Residential Rooftop Solar panels on the roof of your home will save you money and help the environment.

·         Ideal for Indian climate

The country is in a location that allows for plenty of tropical sunlight. India enjoys nearly 300 sunny days each year with clear skies. This makes it one of the most attractive places in the world for solar energy.

·         Installation is done in a single space.

The system can be installed on roofs of residential or commercial buildings, as is evident from its name. They don’t require large areas of land and can be installed on roofs of commercial or residential buildings.

·         Government support

Solar rooftop systems fall within the 5% tax bracket. This is the lowest tax rate offered by the government (if one does not include the 0% bracket). This is one of few Indian goods that falls under this low tax bracket.

What does it do for the environment?

Rooftop solar systems can reduce harmful carbon dioxide emissions. It stated that a 5-kW solar system could reduce carbon dioxide emissions by nearly 7.3 tonnes annually.  “A Residential Rooftop Solar system can save two trees per week and generate clean energy for homeowners.”

The majority of India’s energy generation is done through coal-based plants. Every homeowner who generates solar energy through a rooftop solar system reduces their dependence on coal and eventually decreases carbon dioxide emissions in order to meet climate change targets.

All people are affected by climate change on a global level, with India being the most affected. “Climate Change is not only the responsibility of the government.

“We are part the cause for the negative effect of climate change because vehicles and air conditioners are used and we are heavy consumers of electricity.” Government’s efforts to create a better future are more effective if everyone contributes by replacing some of their energy consumption with renewable energy, such as installing a solar system on their rooftop.

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