hair transplant

The Cost Of Hair Transplants : Understanding Why It Might Cost What It Costs You

When you are considering a hair transplant, it might be the cost of hair transplant surgery in India that might trouble your mind the most. There is a general consensus that cost of hair transplant are really expensive and will burn a hole in your pocket. And while there is some truth to it, it is not the only truth. You need to factor in several aspects, before you jump to the final bill. Starting with the fact that while this is a completely optional procedure, it can bring a change that is almost revolutionary!

Let’s start with what adds up to the costs of a transplant:

It is important to realize that a transplant is not one thing standing on its own. The cost of transplants will vary based on a range of factors such as:

  • The first factor that will come into play when you are considering the cost of hair transplant surgery in India is the type of transplant that you are considering. For instance, if you are being suggested FUT or strip surgery, chances are that the costs might not be as high. Because in this procedure, an entire strip is removed from the back of your head and then the grafts are removed slowly. However, if you have been suggested FUE. It will be a lot heavier on your pocket. Because this is a lot more labour-intensive procedure.
  • The extent of your hair loss will be what decides the number of grafts. You need and both these will have a role to play in the final cost of your procedure. Let’s say your hair loss is minimal and you have lost hair only on a small part of your crown. You will need very few grafts and this will reduce the final billing. However, if the hair loss is extensive and you have more scalp. Than hair showing, you might need more grafts and that could lead to a larger bill!
  • Then comes into the play the surgeon and the clinic – ideally, you want your procedure to be done by someone with a fair amount of experience and expertise under their belts. You would want someone qualified, licensed and board certified too. Because you want the final results to be favourable for you. Moreover, chances are that such highly qualified and experienced surgeons will practice in reputed clinics and that too will affect the costing. It is also interesting to note that the actual geographical location of the clinic might also have a part to play in the cost of hair transplant surgery in India the posher the area, the higher the costs.
  • Your billing might also be affected by the kind of facilities the clinic offers –the quality of the support staff. The machines being utilized for your procedure. The technology and techniques on offer will all affect the final amount that you might have to shell out. The quality and grade of the medications and anesthesia being used will also have to be factored in.
  • In some situations, there could be the need for some additional treatments or you might be asked to return for follow-up visits. Which could be paid visits and this might add up to the cost too. And in case you require a customized or tailor made treatment protocol, it will cost you more.

While all this might be considered fine, there would still be those who would not see the reason why one should invest in a transplant and more importantly. Bear the cost of hair transplant surgery in India. If you have been losing hair. There is a loss of more than just hair. It can be hit on your self esteem and confidence.

Here are just some of the reasons why you might want to think beyond just the cost:

  • If you have been losing hair, then you should most certainly consider a transplant. Because it can help restore your appearance. A properly done transplant can also knock a few years off of you. When done properly, a transplant can make you look younger!
  • For many people, their hair is tied up with their self-confidence – losing hair makes them feel conscious about the way they look. Getting their hair back can bring back that level of confidence too and that confidence is extremely important in being successful.
  • When you have that increased sense of confidence. You will also be less conscious, especially in social settings. Whether its about getting photos clicked or wearing. The type of clothes you have always wanted to wear. The increased confidence is sure to work well in your favor.
  • Several people, when losing their hair, feel a sense of mental disturbance. By getting a hair transplant, there can be a restoration of that mental well being too. When a person is mentally comfortable. They are sure to perform better everywhere . From social circles to professional platforms.

When you are taking into consideration the cost of hair transplant surgery in India, it is imperative that you think of all these factors. You need to understand that a transplant is not a decision. That you take on a whim and at the end of the day it is a medical procedure. That needs to be done by someone with experience. Browse the internet or talk to people and you might get to hear several harrowing tales of transplants gone wrong.

If the procedure has been done by someone. Who is not experienced enough, things could go wrong. If the surgeon is not board certified or licensed. You could be inviting trouble for yourself. If the transplant is not done with care and consideration. You could end up with a very unnatural looking hairline, for people to know that you have had a transplant.

The cost of hair transplant surgery in India is more for the quality that you will receive. When you choose to go with an experienced surgeon with expertise and get your procedure done at a licensed and well-equipped clinic. Your investment is in yourself. When you walk out with a head full of hair that looks and feels completely natural, the amount paid will seem almost frivolous!

So, if you are considering a hair transplant, do make the attempt to look beyond only the final billing amount!

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