
The Most Common Network Security Threats (And Their Solutions)

Did you know that every 40 seconds, there’s a cyberattack that targets businesses? Undoubtedly, cyberattacks have increased in the past years. That’s why companies need to know about network security threats and solutions since a cyberattack is inevitable.

Would you like to know how to deal with most network security threats? If so, we invite you to stick around as we take a deep dive into the most common threats to network security and their solutions.


Of all the internal network security threats, ransomware is among the worse since hackers “kidnap” your company’s private data and hold it until a ransom is paid. Moreover, some hackers will still delete your data even if you pay the ransom, which will make matters even worse. Fortunately, you can hire a cybersecurity company like Orbis Solutions to help you create backups to prevent any data loss.


As you can expect, security threats in wireless networks are quite common, especially if the network is poorly optimized. And as a result, hackers can use viruses or worms to enter a network without being detected, which means your data can easily be stolen or used as ransom. So, the best solution to malware, viruses, or worms is to install reputable anti-cyber attack software.

These programs will ensure that the network is free from Trojan horses, which are viruses that enter a system under the guise of something else. Additionally, you can scan your entire system for any suspicious programs that may have entered your company. But, of course, these programs will not protect you from every virus or malware, so don’t solely rely on an anti-virus program for cybersecurity.

Lack of IT Management

Mitigating network security threats starts with your company’s cybersecurity team, so you’ll want to make sure you have a knowledgeable team managing security. That’s why it’s always a good idea to train your IT team, so they know how to spot and react to a cyberattack. Moreover, if you feel your team isn’t up to the task, don’t hesitate to use an external IT company.

For the most part, cybersecurity companies can track a company’s data 24/7. On top of that, they use high-end cybersecurity tools to prevent most attacks. So, if you have extra cash in your IT budget, make sure you use it to hire an external company.

Avoid These Common Network Security Threats

As you have seen, there are a lot of potential network security threats out there, but the good news is that you can prevent most of them. But, of course, there are plenty of other threats out there, so make sure you prepare for all of them. And don’t forget to bookmark this page, so you can refer to it whenever you need to.

Did you find these solutions helpful in preventing cyberattacks? If so, we invite you to check out our other cyber-related posts before you go!

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