
Top 4 Factors to Consider When Choosing Drug Rehab Facilities

About 75% of people who seek recovery from drug addiction succeed (even if it takes a while). Is it time for you or a loved one to start a recovery journey?

The first step is choosing drug rehab facilities. But with so many options, how can you pick the one that’s right for you? Let’s talk about it.

Read on for four factors that you should consider when you’re picking the right rehab facility. 

1. First: Inpatient or Outpatient? 

This is one of the first decisions that you’re going to have to make when you’re browsing options for rehab facilities. Are you going to choose an outpatient or an inpatient treatment center? 

There are pros and cons to both. 

For people who are heavily addicted to drugs and alcohol and who need significant medical help with detox, inpatient treatment is often the best option. Inpatient rehab facilities can offer full-time support and care.

With that in mind, people in inpatient facilities aren’t able to continue working or taking care of responsibilities during treatment, making this a less viable option for anyone who’s on a budget. Some people also find that not having access to friends and family is unhelpful. 

Both options are good, and many facilities use a combination (starting with inpatient and then moving to intensive outpatient). 

2. Know Your Budget

Speaking of costs, make sure that you know your budget.

Some types of drug rehab programs accept insurance or offer payment plans, but this isn’t true for all rehab facilities. You don’t want to add more stress to your life by being unable to pay for treatment.

This may mean that you have to opt for treatment close to home or in a more clinical setting. Remember, the most important thing is that it’s effective, even if it isn’t luxurious.  

3. Assess Treatment Methods

What types of treatment methods would you prefer? Drug addiction treatment methods range from straightforward to more “holistic.” Some treatment centers incorporate things like art therapy and sports, while others focus on basic therapy methods (such as cognitive-behavioral therapy).

One of these isn’t better than the other, but you need to decide what would work best for you (or your loved one).

4. Opt for a Facility With Post-Treatment Support

Recovering from addictions doesn’t end when someone leaves the treatment center. You want to pick a treatment facility that also offers post-treatment care and support for former patients.

Often, even after someone’s official treatment is over, a treatment center will have them come in for therapy or be able to connect them with outside therapists. 

The treatment center may have connections with local sober houses or support groups as well. these things will make a huge difference when it comes to the success of someone’s healing journey. 

Choosing Drug Rehab Facilities Isn’t Easy

Take your time when you’re choosing drug rehab facilities. This is a big decision that can change the course of your (or your loved one’s) life. Pick somewhere within your budget, that offers the type of treatment that you think will work for you, and that offers plenty of post-treatment support.

Good luck on your healing journey.

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