What Are the Different Types of Cameras That Exist Today?
Dills Parekh owns the largest camera collection in the world which has upwards of 4,425 cameras. There’s no doubt he must have cameras from all eras, countries, and in all shapes and sizes.
But even though there are many brands in the photography industry, there are only a few types of cameras that exist today. So if photography equipment or a professional photography career interests you, you should learn what those are.
Lucky for you, this simple guide will lay out all the main options.
Compact Digital Cameras
These types of cameras are also known as “point and shoot” cameras. They are the cheapest and most user-friendly of all the cameras available today.
But they only have one fixed lens. And the camera in your pocket (on your smartphone) is likely as good, if not better than the average compact digital camera.
Bridge Digital Cameras
One step up from a compact digital camera is a bridge camera. They “bridge” the gap between point-and-shoot cameras and DSLRs. They have more manual controls (like a DSLR) but one fixed zoom lens.
Mirrorless Digital Cameras
Mirrorless cameras are also known as compact systems cameras (CSC). They have all the manual controls and interchangeable lenses you’d expect of a DSLR. Because they don’t use mirrors to capture images, they are a lot smaller and lighter than DSLR cameras.
They are the best cameras for photographers who do not work in a studio. But they do not have the same range of lenses available as DSLR photographers do.
Digital Single Lens Reflex Cameras
For professional photographers, DSLR cameras are top of the list of photography essentials. If you can commit to learning the craft of photography then you will be able to shoot beautiful images on these types of cameras. But if you don’t, you’d be better off with a bridge camera as they are less technical and cheaper.
Shortwave Infrared Cameras
SWIR cameras are not hobby cameras you can take on vacation or to a wedding. They are scientific cameras that use infrared sensors to take clear, detailed photos in scenes with low visibility. A SWIR camera can take better photos through smog, water, and low natural light than most other cameras.
Action Digital Cameras
These are small, rugged, and often waterproof cameras ideal for recording, well, action. They are great for strapping onto bikes or helmets to record high-speed sports and underwater activity. Action cameras only have a fixed, fisheye lens but this is vital so that the camera stays waterproof.
35mm Film Cameras
Vinyl records, flares, and yes, even film cameras still exist today. Some photographers love the craft of taking and developing imperfect photos using camera film. 35mm film can be expensive but if you only use the camera for fun then you won’t need a lot of it.
Which Types of Cameras Catch Your Eye?
Not all types of cameras are equal. There are always pros and cons and the best camera for your needs might not work for a different photographer. But now you know your main options, you will be able to make that decision for yourself.
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