What Do I Need To Start a Lawn Care Business?
Owning a lawn care business can be a great way to make a living.
In fact, you can make $1000 a week mowing lawns. Not only is it profitable, but lawn care business owners get to work outside and enjoy the feeling of having satisfied customers.
So you’re probably asking yourself, what do I need to start a lawn care business? Take a look below to find out more!
What is Lawn Care?
Lawn Care is about more than just mowing and maintaining lawns. It can also include lawn installation, weeding or mulching, planting native species and pollinators, raking leaves, and plowing snow in the winter.
Homeowners look to their lawn care specialists for all sorts of services. The more you can do, the more useful you will be.
What Do I Need to Start a Lawn Care Business?
Starting a business is no small feat. First and foremost, you’ll need start-up money. Lawn care equipment can run anywhere from $700-$1500. Once you’ve secured the funds, here are a few of the most important things you will need to start a lawn care business.
Business License
No business is legal without a license. Your local Chamber of Commerce or Small Business Administration should be able to walk you through all the ins and outs of getting a license. If a license isn’t necessary for your type of business, you may need a permit instead.
Business Insurance
You never know when a rock will fly out of a lawn mower and break a window. When something like this happens, insurance can be a lifesaver. General Liability Insurance should do the trick if the owner of the broken window decides to sue you for the damage.
Lawn Care Equipment
Once you have your license and insurance, you’ll obviously need lawn care equipment. This list could go on and on, but when starting out, just the basics should be fine. Start with, of course, a lawn mower.
Not all mowers are created equal. There are push, walk-behind, or riding lawn mowers. Make sure the one you buy fits your business needs.
Next, look for a lawn aerator, pruning sheers, wheel barrows and shovels. Once you’ve established yourself, you can look into a power rake and a leaf blower.
Most importantly, you will need clients. Drumming up business can be tricky. The folks at myelitelawncare.com know a thing or two about this.
Word of mouth is huge. Knock on your neighbors’ door and their neighbors’ door. Ask your first few clients to recommend you to friends for a deal on their next services and make sure you have an online presence.
Getting Started
So what are you waiting for? Now that you can answer the question “What do I need to start a Lawn Care Business,” all that’s left to do is follow these steps and watch your schedule fill up!
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