What Is the Most Popular Hair Color for Women?

It’s impossible to define the top hair color for women of all time. After all, the trends change over time, and we don’t have the information on every box dye used and professional hair coloring done, right? But, we can say for certain that copper red, chestnut brown, classic black, honey blonde, and natural-like blonde are among the most popular ones. Let’s chat about them a little bit more.

Timeless Hair Color for Women – Our Top Choices

So, without any further ado – let’s dive into the colorful world of hair dyes and see all the vibrant shades that have been consistently popular over the years.

Copper Red

The allure of red hair continues to enchant, with deeper, more intense shades like cherry cola gaining popularity right now. But what truly was, is and will always be popular is copper red – an eye-catching hair color for women who aren’t afraid to take up a challenge.

Although copper red is timeless, we also need to mention a new (or is it) variation of this hue – the cowgirl copper, a lighter and a bit orangey color that is perfectly in between red and brown. Its appeal is constantly growing, which proves that the classic copper is still an inspiration for new trends.


Brunette will always be one of the most popular hair colors for women, and this shouldn’t be a surprise to anybody. But, like in the case of red, it evolves. No longer do women seek more caramel-like hues; now, “hot cocoa brunette” is what grasps their attention.

Classic Black

Black is elegant, universal, and easy to maintain – that’s why it’s a popular choice among women. Classic black hair goes great with most outfits and colder skin tones and is an ideal contrast to the brighter, vibrant shades of red or blonde. It’s never going to become passé, though it might not always be the top 1 pick regarding hair color for women. 

Natural, Naturallish and Pink/Golden Blondes

Blonde is one of the…rarest natural hair colors. Yes, you’ve heard us right. So, how does it happen that we see blondes everywhere? Because blond is undoubtedly the most popular hair color for women.

As we mentioned before, it’s difficult to define the top hair color shade, but if we were to group the colors up generally, blonde would be in the first place. Plus, natural-like blonde is a popular choice among women, so it deserves to make this list anyway.

Lighter, pinkish blondes are also popular, though not as much. Nevertheless, golden and pearly hues are a fashionable choice, so we decided to put them on this list as well!

The Takeaway

We’ve shown you what are the most popular hair colors for women, now it’s time for you to make a choice: which one will you pick? There are quite a few options, and if you don’t like any from our list, then…just pick a different color. After all, hair dyeing is all about you feeling better, more comfortable and empowered in your new color.

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