
Work Depression: What to Do When You Can’t Find Motivation

In 2020, around 8.4% of the US adult population experienced at least one major depressive episode. Many others will have experienced plenty of low moments either at home or at work.

Work depression, in particular, can present itself in two ways. It can be depression caused by a negative working environment or work could worsen your already depressed state. But if you have no support, you may have no choice but to carry on working while depressed. 

It may seem like there is no light at the end of the tunnel but there are ways to figure out how to work when you’re depressed. This guide will give you some ideas and will help you find the support you need to get better.

Divert Yourself Away From Negative Thoughts

One minute, you are calling yourself a clutz for dropping some documents. And the next you are telling yourself you’re too incompetent to have your role. The more you feed your negative thoughts, the bigger and stronger they get.

Whenever you are having a negative thought about your work, recognize it. Say to yourself (out loud if you are alone), “I’m having a negative thought. The thought I am having is that I am a clutz.”

Distancing yourself from the thought and saying it out loud will lessen the thought’s power. But don’t linger on the thought for too long as this will increase the chances of you believing the thought to be true. Make a coffee or walk around the office for two minutes so you don’t begin to feel too depressed to work.

Make Time for Things That Bring You Joy

People with high-functioning depression (look here to learn more) don’t look like other depressed people. They still get dressed and go to work despite having no motivation to work. They don’t (or don’t have the option) to stay in bed with the curtains drawn all day.

Not only do they have no motivation to work, but they have no motivation to do anything fun for themselves either. But the areas of life where you find joy are what make life worth living.

Think about what used to make you happy before the work depression kicked in. Did you play any sports, make any crafts, or like music, movies, or reading? Attempt to reintroduce one of those hobbies so your life has more purpose beyond work.

Don’t set yourself up for failure by signing up for a 12-week Latin dance class. Choose a low-key version of your hobby so you can partake in it on your own terms. For example, dancing with a YouTube tutorial is something that demands zero commitment or stress.

Remember That Done Is Better Than Perfect

Many people with depression at work have a perfectionism problem. You might work and work on one task and never complete it because you never consider it to be good enough. Meanwhile, the rest of the tasks pile up.

Or you might ignore certain tasks altogether because you undermine your ability to complete them to a high standard. You bury your head in the sand and start to ignore work colleagues who rely on you to do your job. This only makes your depression and anxiety worse.

Remember that finishing a task to a good standard is far better than never finishing a task to a perfect standard. Perfect is an illusion anyway. 

Conserve Your Energy for Important Tasks

People with depression can also have insomnia or anxiety. This will mean you become exhausted quicker than people without depression. You should try and conserve your energy for only your most important tasks.

Create a to-do list on a notes app and rearrange it in order of priority. Only focus on the top three things that day.

If a manager tries to give you more work, ask them if it is more important than what you are already working on. Let them decide for you so don’t have to guess which three tasks are more important. People with depression often don’t trust their instinct, so ask someone else for their advice.

Get Rid of as Many Distractions as Possible

People with depression struggle with lots of distractions. If you can, pause your inbox and turn off your work phone while you focus on one task. Sit in a quiet corner or meeting room if there is one free. 

If it’s allowed, you could also listen to your favorite music or film score through your headphones while you work.

Seek Professional Health and Career Advice

These tips and tricks will help make your working life easier if you can’t talk to your manager or HR representative about your depression. But they will not cure the cause of your depression. 

Contact your GP or get a recommendation for a local therapist. They will be able to help you choose a long-term treatment plan and prescribe any medications that may help.

If your job is what is causing your depression, it will never get better unless you leave your job. Start saving money into a safety net account in case you need to leave the company earlier than expected.

Apply for jobs at other companies as often as you’re able. But if you no longer want to work in the field you’re in, consult a careers coach. They will be able to help you find a career that you are passionate about and where you can find contentment.

Overcome Work Depression and Find the Strength To Keep Going

Work depression is much more than getting the Sunday night blues. It can seem all-consuming and as if there is nothing else outside of your negative work life.

But if you follow these tips, work will become easier. And with the right support, you can dig yourself out of depression and live a meaningful life.

There is nothing more important than your physical or mental health.

Check out our health articles for more tips to help you live a long and full life.

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